15. Celebrate!

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Phoebe's POV

I was getting ready, so was everyone else. We were going out. We never go out. We all decided on a fancy restaurant to eat at. I think it's something French, I don't know though. I don't care anyway. I'm to excited because....I'm engaged!!!! I think I'm to screamed out. Nope!!

Phoebe: (girly scream)

Piper: (comes running in) what! Phoebe are you ok?

Phoebe: I'm fine. Sorry I'm just excited that I'm engaged!!

Piper: I know but you can't scream when there isn't a demon.

Phoebe: sorry.

Paige: (orbs down) I'm ready.

Piper: great. Chris! Leo! You ready!?

Chris: yep!

Leo: me too!

Piper: great. Who's driving?

Paige: I will.

Chris: can't we just orb?

Leo: the restaurant isn't that far and we can't risk magic so we might as well drive.

Chris: ok.

*at the restaurant*

Man: let me show you to your seats.

Piper: thank you.

We followed the nice man to our table.

Man: I'll get you some menus.

Phoebe: thanks!

The man left to get some menus.

Piper: alright, Phoebe, tell us everything. How did he propose.

Chris: ugh, I've heard this story so many times in the future it's not even funny.

Phoebe: well I haven't told any one yet in this time so I'm going to tell it.

Chris: fine.

Phoebe: first we got into the Cupid plane and he said, like it and then I said, wh- (gets cut off by Chris)

Chris: what is this place? Then he said, it's the Cupid plane. Then you said, it's so romantic.

Phoebe: Chris! I wanted to tell them.

Piper: Chris, let Phoebe tell the story.

Chris: ok, fine. Continue.

Phoebe: well- ( gets cut off)

Man: here are you menus. Would you like something to drink before you order?

Piper: water is fine for me.

Paige: I'll have some wine.

Leo: make that two glasses of wine.

Phoebe: actually three glasses of wine.

Chris: I'll have water.

Man: ok. I'll give you some time to figure out what you want. (He leaves)

Chris: I hate wine.

Piper: me too. (Smiles at Chris) I guess you get that from me.

Chris: probably. (Smiles)

Leo: sorry, Phoebe, continue your story.

Phoebe: ok so- (gets cut off again)

Waiter: here are your drinks. Have you decided what to order?

Piper: uh, sure. I'll have the grilled salmon.

Chris: I'll have the steak special.

Leo: make that two steak specials.

Paige: let's see, umm, I'll have the....French onion soup.

Phoebe: ooo, that sounds good. I'll have that too.

Waiter: ok got it. (He leaves)

Phoebe: ok, anyways, my story. So- (gets cut off)

Chris: demon!

Leo: Piper freeze!

Piper: (freezes the room)

Paige: that was close.

Piper: say a spell!

Paige: umm, vanquish this demon don't let him stay, send him somewhere far away.

(The demon burns and disappears)

Piper: thank goodness. (Unfreezes the room)

Phoebe: can I finish my story now!

Leo: yes, Phoebe, now you can finally finish your story.

Phoebe: thank you. Now as I was saying I- (gets cut off)

Piper: Cole!? What are you doing here?

Phoebe: you've got to be kidding me. I'm never going to finish my story. And to top it off, Cole is here.

Cole: sorry, I just thought I'd tag along. Phoebe, I'm happy for you.

Phoebe: really? I wouldn't think you would be happy for me.

Cole: well I am. And I'm glad you found someone.

Phoebe: that's sweet. Thanks Cole.

Cole: any time. So what are we talking about.

Phoebe: I was trying to tell the story of how I got engaged!

Chris: yes can please hurry and tell it, otherwise, I'll tell it.

Phoebe: ok so we got into the Cupid plane and it was so romantic. He had a dinner set up and we ate. The. We were sitting on the grass and he reached down and I thought he was picking me a flower or something. Then he got up and knelt down and said. Will you marry me. Apparently what he knelt down for was a ring.

Paige: aww.

Paige: that's so romantic.

Chris: whatever.

Phoebe: what's wrong with you?

Chris: I've heard it so many times, I think I've memorized it.

Phoebe: well, I thought it was soooo romantic.

Leo: well, Phoebe, congratulations: (holds up his glass) to Phoebe and Coop!

Everyone: (hold up their glasses) to Phoebe and Coop!


Everyone: (laughs)

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