37. Storm incoming

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Chris's POV

Chris: we have to warn everyone downstairs. Let's go.

Melinda: wait. Who do we say Prudence is?

Wyatt: not this again, let's just tell them the truth.

Prudence: good idea

Chris: ok I hope the future won't get messed up to much.

Wyatt: there you go bro, nice to see you aren't so serious anymore.

Chris: I'm trying.

Melinda: guys the storm is coming. We have to warn them now.

We ran downstairs tripping on each other the whole way down because we were running so fast.

Wyatt: I just realized something, couldn't we just have orbed.

Chris: oh wow. Whatever, we are down now.

We bursted into the kitchen where mom, dad, Phoebe and Paige were.

Piper: whoa calm down what's the rush.

Chris: look outside. 

They all looked out the window and turned to us with scared expressions on their faces.

Phoebe: what is that!?

Chris: it's a giant storm. It was kind of created by shifting the balance because Prudence came here.

Paige: Prudence?

Melinda: oh right sorry, guys this is- wait where did she go?

Chris: Prudence?

Prudence: do I have to come in there?

Wyatt: just come in.

Prudence came through the door and everyone looked confused.

Melinda: guys this is Prudence.

Chris: our cousin.

Everyone around the room was speechless.

Phoebe: cousin?

Prudence: hi mom.

Phoebe: oh my.

Piper: why is she here?

Chris: she came back to get us, oh by the way guess what, we are stuck here, again.

Paige: what, how?

Prudence: the portal I came through closed to soon and that caused that huge storm which is headed towards San Fransisco as we speak.

Chris: but this time we aren't stuck because of magic. We can get ingredients to make a potion to send her back.

Melinda: we'd better get the ingredients now then.

Leo: guys the storm is all over the news. "San Fransisco is preparing for the worst storm in decades."

Melinda: oh just great.

Phoebe: well at least I get to bond with my future child.

Prudence: actually not to much in the future. I'm going to tell you this, Mel and I-

Chris: Prudence.

Wyatt: let her.

Chris: fine go ahead.

Prudence: Mel and I have the same birthday.

Piper and Phoebe looked at each other. Piper was already pregnant with Melinda, meaning...

Phoebe: I'm pregnant!

Everyone smiled and hugged each other.

Chris: alright, congrats Phoebe, but that storm isn't slowing down. We need to take cover.

Leo: all ready on it. The basement is ready to be a shelter.

Piper: how long do you think the storm will be?

Prudence: I'm guessing a while considering I'm still here. You need to get me back, that's the only way to stop the storm. Shift the balance back on track.

Chris: Wyatt, dad and I will get the stuff needed to send Prudence back to the future. Melinda and Prudence, you two and everyone else prepare for "the worst storm in decades." Come on guys, we have to hurry.

Prudence: got it.

Wyatt, dad and I headed out the door to get the stuff we needed to make the potion.

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