47. The Power of Six

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One week later

Phoebe's POV

It's been a week since Cole told us about a surprise attack on us. We made the potions and wrote some spells that we hope will work. We only have one more week until the 28th which is when the planets start to align. I'm in the attic, making potions. Piper has us all on a potion making craze because we don't know how many demons are actually coming. Cole shimmers in.

Cole: hey, where is everyone?

Phoebe: Piper and Paige are in the kitchen mixing more potions and Chris and Wyatt went to go get more ingredients.

Cole: oh

Phoebe: is there something you need Cole?

Cole: nope

Phoebe: ok

I went back to potion making but I kept looking up at Cole. He was starring at me and I knew he wanted to say something.

Phoebe: Cole, I know you want to say something.

Cole: no I don't

Phoebe: Cole

Cole: (sighs) are you happy?

Phoebe: umm yeah. That's an odd question.

Cole: I mean happy with Coop and your little baby girl

Phoebe: yeah I'm happy with Coop and my baby. How did you know it was a girl.

Cole: Wyatt told me.

Phoebe: oh.

Cole: what I mean is are you happy with them, especially Coop.

Phoebe: oh, yes I am. Coop is the love of my life.

Cole: oh

Phoebe: Cole don't be sad ok, please. I loved you Cole and you know that. But then you became the source.

Cole: it wasn't my choice. I did it to save you.

Phoebe: yes but you could have told us what happened. We could have some how gotten the source out of you. But you didn't tell us anything meaning you wanted to be the source.

Cole: it did feel nice to have powers again. But I didn't know I would lose you.

Phoebe: the source became to powerful for you to control so he just took over. That's why you lost me. Because you didn't get help from us and then you kept lying to us. Then once the source became to powerful, I had to let you go and we had to vanquish you.

Cole: Phoebe, I don't know if I've ever said this to you but I'm sorry.

Phoebe: thanks Cole, that means a lot.

Cole: Coop is a lucky guy.

Phoebe: I want to think so. (Smiles)

Cole: (smiles)

Piper yelled from downstairs.

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