[ Carrington stole Jake's hat :3 ]
"Carrington?! Have you seen my hat?!" Jake called up the stairs as he was heading up them. What he doesn't know is that Carrington stole it from him.
“Noooope!” Carrington called back, hiding the hat behind his back, a cheeky grin on his face.
Jake approaches Carrington. "Dude, what's behind your back then??"
“Oh nothing.” Carrington lied, a smirk on his face as he took a step back, trying to hide the hat even more.Jake tilts his head, he sees a bit of the red on the Ed-Hardy hat. "YOU DID STEAL IT!"
Carrington chuckled and held the hat up, “What if I did?”Jake rushed over and tried to grab it back. "CMERE YOU LITTLE BITCH-"
Carrington laughed, jumping back and holding the hat out of reach. “Come and get it!”
Jake and Carrington ran around the house, and such. Laughing as they chase each other.
Carrington couldn’t help but laugh as he dodged Jake, “You’ll never catch me!” He taunted, still holding the hat out of reach.
Jake lunges and tackles Carrington. They both landed on the hallway floor. Out of breath. The hat flew a bit away from them.
Carrington groaned as they both fell to the floor, a bit winded. He tried to grab the hat but failed, “Ow…” He muttered, “You’re heavy, y’know.”
"Shut up," Jake laughs as he gets up and grabs his hat. "Mine." He says as he puts the hat on.
Carrington huffed and crossed his arms, pouting. “I was just messing around. I wasn’t actually going to keep it.” He lied, knowing full well he was going to keep it.
"Uh-huh, sure." Jake replied as he walked over and put the hat on Carrington's head, making sure it was sideways. "Cute."
Carrington’s pout turned into a smile as the hat was placed on his head, “Hey, don’t mess up my hair.” He joked, making a face at Jake.
"You always wear your hats sideways!" Jake defended, laughing.
“I know that!” Carrington said, rolling his eyes, “But it’s my hat, I’ll wear it how I want.” He joked, sticking his tongue out at Jake.
"It's MY hat" Jake corrected, sticking his tongue back out at Carrington.
“No, it’s mine now.” Carrington said stubbornly, putting the hat on properly and adjusting it so it looked perfect on his head.
Jake sits down in front of Carrington. "You can wear it for a little while but it's mine. Besides I only am letting you wear it because you look cute in it."
Carrington smirked, sitting down next to Jake. “Aww, you think I’m cute?” He teased, leaning his head on Jake’s shoulder.
"Yeah, yeah." Jake smiles, wrapping an arm around Carrington. "Mhm."
Carrington chuckled, wrapping his own arm around Jake and cuddling up to him. “I guess I’ll let you have the hat back later.” He said, a playful tone in his voice.
"Good, besides you have your own hats." Jake replied, shifting the hat on Carrington's head so it's sideways again.
Carrington let out a soft gasp, “Hey, I like it like this!” He protested, reaching up to fix the hat again. “Besides, yours is more comfortable.”
"Wow, you actually like to wear it normal for once. Totally not swag." Jake sarcastically replied, which made Carrington immediately switch it back to being sideways.
Carrington rolled his eyes, “Shut up, I’m always swag.” He said, sticking his tongue out again.
"Uh-huh, whatever you say." Jake replied, smiling as he stares at Carrington with love in his eyes.
Carrington smiled back, noticing the look in Jake’s eyes. He moved closer to him, resting his head on his chest.
"Can I have my hat back now?" Jake asked, laughing as he rubs Carrington's back.
Carrington chuckled, “Fine, I guess you can have it back.” He said, reluctantly taking off the hat and handing it to Jake. “But I’m still gonna steal it from you again later.”
"Deal." Jake replied, grinning.
( The end )
(665 words )

Fanfiction[ Carrington ♡ Jake } • Decided to write a fresh new book with these two! This ship is very underrated and definitely needs more attention. <3 LITERALLY NO ONE WRITES THIS??? Anyway, this will involve angst and wholesomeness NO SMUT. but does i...