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[ Jake and Carrington hold hands, awhh!! }


Jake and Carrington are walking together late at night on the sidewalks. They just needed a walk to clear their heads.

Carrington smiled as he walked beside Jake, enjoying the fresh air and the peaceful night. "You know," he said, "I've been thinking about something."

"Thinking about what?" Jake asked as he started to walk backwards. Which resulted into him clumsily tripping and falling on his ass. "OWWWWWWWEEEEE!!"

Carrington burst into laughter at the sight of Jake falling, clutching his stomach as he tried to catch his breath. "Are you okay, dude?" he asked between laughs, extending a hand to help him up.

"Yeah, good. I'm good, fuck that hurt!" Jake laughs as he grabs Carrington's hand. Getting himself up with the roommate's help.

Carrington chuckled as he pulled Jake up to his feet. "You really need to watch where you're going," he teased, playfully punching him on the shoulder.

Jake rolls his eyes as he replied, "Yeah, I know" As he chuckled a bit, nearly tripping again but he held onto Carrington so he doesn't fall.

Carrington grabbed Jake's arm, keeping him steady as he continued to laugh. "You're such a klutz," he said, shaking his head in amusement. "You know, you should really start paying attention to where you're going."

"Yeah? It's not my fault! I've always been like this!" Jake giggles as he hugs Carrington's arm while walking.

Carrington smiled as Jake hugged his arm, enjoying the closeness. "Oh, really? So you're just naturally clumsy, huh?" he teased, ruffling his hair playfully.

"Uh-huh!" Jake scrunched his face as his hair gets messed up. He giggles as his freckled nose scrunches.

Carrington couldn't help but notice how cute Jake looked with his scrunched-up nose and freckles. He chuckled and continued walking, still holding onto Jake's arm. "You're such a dork," he said affectionately.

"Yeah? And you're the nerd." Jake stuck his tongue out before he lets go and proceeds to walk backwards again. "So, what did you want to tell me earlier? You said you were thinking about something??"

Carrington laughed at Jake's response, pretending to be offended. "Excuse me, I'm not a nerd," he said, feigning hurt. "But yeah, I was thinking about something." He watched as Jake walked backwards, a playful smile on his face. "I was thinking about how much I enjoy spending time with you."

"Awhhh, dude!! Of course, of course! You're so awesome to be around." Jake grins. "Like- I knew in the back of my head th-that I chose the best person to be roommates with me and Johnnie." Jake replied, beaming a smile.

Carrington smiled back at Jake, his heart warmed by his words. "Thanks, man. You're not too bad yourself," he said, nudging him playfully. "I'm glad we're roommates. I mean, who else would put up with your clumsiness and late-night video game sessions?"

"Hey! Johnnie games way more than me! I mean- i-i- play video games sometimes but, usually it's like for a stream." Jake glanced at Carrington's hand as they are walking.

Carrington chuckled, noticing Jake's glance at his hand. "Yeah, but Johnnie's a total nerd when it comes to video games," he said, jokingly rolling his eyes. "And I don't know, sometimes you play games so much that I have to drag you away from the screen. You're practically addicted to it."

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