☆Coffee Date!☆

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Jake starts up his Tesla with Carrington. "Are you ready?" He asked as he looked at the brunet.

"Hell yeah, I'm ready." He grinned, buckling himself in. "You better not go too fast, though. I don't wanna die today."

Jake laughs, "No, I'm good. I'm a good driver! Coffee date morning!!!" He grins as he pulls out of the driveway.

Carrington chuckled along with you as he put the phone down. "Sure, you are," he teased, "I've seen your driving skills. They're like watching a baby penguin trying to skate."

Jake laughs, "A BABY PENGUIN?" as he is driving down the road, chuckling. Smiling widely.

"A cute baby penguin, though," he said, grinning. Carrington glanced over at Jake for a moment, his eyes lingering on your smile. "And you're just as cute as one."

Jake smiled as he heard his phone ringing, he answered it and placed it against his ear as he drove. Carrington takes a picture with his own phone.

They arrived at the drive thru of the coffee shop of their choice. Jake leaned his head and said, "Hi can I get uh-" "oNE mOmeNT pLEasE"

Jake slams his hand over his mouth as he looks at Carrington, that's screaming in laughter.

After a moment of laughter, Jake and Carrington calmed down. Jake ordered his coffee with extra stevia and mutters to Carrington. "What do you want?"

"Hmm..." Carrington said, his eyes scanning the menu above. "A caramel latte. Extra caramel."

"Someone's slutty today." Jake laughs as he orders the latte for Carrington at the drive thru.

"Oh, hush." Carrington retorted, a smirk on his face. "You're just jealous."

"Jealous?! Nooo" Jake grins as he pulls up to the window. Waiting for their order. He turned his head, looking at Carrington. "How is your morning?"

"It's been good." Carrington said, looking out the window. "A little boring, but I have you to entertain me now."

"Awww!! I entertain you?!" Jake laughs as he playfully punches Carrington's shoulder.

"Yeah, you do." Carrington laughs as well, rubbing his shoulder.

The window opened and Jake looked over. "Oh thank you so much." He says, grabbing the plastic cups with the straws. Handing them to Carrington as he takes out his wallet and paid.

Carrington grabbed his latte, his fingers wrapping around the cup. "Thank you," he said to the barista, giving them a small smile before turning back to Jake. "Now let's go. I'm thirsty."

Jake begins to drive again, before he stops in the parking lot. He opened his cup and poured in 6 stevia.

Carrington raised an eyebrow, watching Jake pour the stevia into his coffee. "Why do you put so much stevia in your coffee?"

"Because it's a substitute for sugar." Jake replied as he put the cup back together. Stirring it in with the straw.

"You could just drink sugar free coffee instead of using stevia." Carrington said, taking a sip of his latte. "It's healthier."

"NOOOO!! I'm still a sugar whore, I need some sort of sugar. I've always been a slut for sweets and shit like that." Jake laughs as he grabs Carrington's drink. "Let me take a sippy."

Jake was going to have to take the latte by force. Carrington pulled the drink away, keeping it out of his reach. "Nuh uh, you have your own coffee. This is mine."

"I wanna try it!" Jake exclaimed with a smile. "Pleaseeeeeee???"
Carrington sighed, rolling his eyes. "Fine, but only a sip. And don't complain if you don't like it."

"Oh I'm gonna like it, there's EXTRA caramel in this. Ooh, boy ima be slutty." Jake takes a sip of the latte. Smacking his lips as he takes another sip.

Carrington chuckled as he watched Jake drink the latte. "I don't know how you can drink it so sweet," he said. "I can barely handle the caramel in it."

"THEN WHYD YOU ORDER EXTRA?" Jake laughs as he hands Carrington back his latte.

"Because I like the taste of caramel!" Carrington replied, taking his latte back and taking another sip. "And I'm not a baby, I can handle a little extra sweetness"

"You just said you barely can..." Jake faces palms as he laughs. He shakes his head.

"Shut up." Carrington muttered, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink. He took another sip of his latte, hoping to hide his embarrassment.

"Fucking cutie." Jake replied, snickering as he starts his Tesla again. Before he sips down his entire coffee.

Carrington nearly choked on his latte as he heard Jake call him a cutie. He quickly tried to compose himself, clearing his throat. "You can't just say things like that, you know," he said, his cheeks now a darker shade of pink.

"Yeah I can!!" Jake laughs as he felt a bit flustered. He looks over, "You okay??"

Carrington nodded, still trying to calm his racing heart. "Yeah, I'm fine," he replied, his voice slightly shaky. "Just a bit... flustered, I guess."

"Oh really! I made you blush?! That's cute!!" Jake laughs again as he drives them back home.

Carrington tried to protest, but he couldn't deny the truth. He was blushing, and he hated how much he liked it when Jake called him cute. "Shut up," he muttered again, taking another sip of his latte to hide his flushed cheeks.

"Nope,nope" Jake chuckles as he is driving. He stops at the red light. "How was this morning's coffee date?"

Carrington smiled, thinking back to the coffee date. "It was nice," he replied. "I enjoyed spending time with you. And the coffee was good, too."

"Good I'm glad. We need to do this more often. I should add it to my morning routine." Jake replied, smiling as he begins driving down the road again.

Carrington's heart skipped a beat at the thought of having coffee dates with Jake every morning. "Yeah, that sounds like a great idea," he said, his voice betraying the excitement he felt. "I wouldn't mind waking up early for this every day."

"Yeah, I always wake up early in the morning. Because I just don't like waking up too late. Like- like I need something to do every morning, sleeping in just like- makes me feel like crap." Jake replied as they pulled back into the driveway of their shared house.

Carrington nodded in agreement. "I understand what you mean," he said. "I feel the same way. I need to be productive in the morning, otherwise I just feel like I'm wasting the day away."

"Exactly!! You get it!" Jake replied, as he turned his Tesla off. Carrington smiled as he unbuckled his seatbelt. "It's nice to have someone who understands," he said. "Most people just don't get why I'm always up so early.

"Yeah I get it dude. I'm just the same. Sometimes you sleep in though, when you're drunk as fuck." Jake laughed.

Carrington chuckled, remembering the times he had slept in after a night of drinking. "Yeah, those mornings are the worst," he said. "I always wake up with the worst headache and I feel like I've been hit by a truck."

"Yeah, I get it. The hangover is real." Jake gets out of the car and follows Carrington up the porch steps and into the house.

They shared a laugh and got into the house, shutting the door behind them.

(The end)
(1,227 words)

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