☆Unwanted Stims☆

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term: self-stimulatory behavior that can be disruptive or harmful to others or self.

TW: unsafe stims such as brief s/h involved ! , meltdown and stressing behavior !, distress, emotional exhaustion, overload, extreme meltdown/breakdown

Pls skip if uncomfortable, thanks !

Jake was having an exteme meltdown this evening. He is also home alone at the moment. He is sitting in the hallway and hitting his head on the wall with repetitive force.

Jake was having a meltdown and Carrington had come home early from a photoshoot to see him.

The sound of his head hitting the wall repeatedly caught his attention, and he quickly ran over to him, grabbing his arms to stop him."Jake, stop! Stop hitting your head!"

Jake freaked out, "NO!!" As he pulled away and rocked back and forward, tugging at his hair and hyperventilating.

Carrington immediately sat down next to him, pulling him into his arms and holding him tightly against his chest. He started to rub his back, trying to calm him down.

"Jake, listen to me. You need to breathe, okay? Breathe with me. Inhale... exhale..."

But Jake wasn't fully processing what Carrington was saying. He was having a full blown meltdown. Hitting his head and tugging on his hair.

Carrington held him tighter, his heart aching at the sight of Jake in such distress. He continued to rub his back, his voice firm but gentle.

"Jake, please, listen to me. You're hurting yourself. I need you to stop hitting your head and pulling your hair. You're safe here with me. Just focus on your breathing, okay?"

"No! I can't! I can't! everything is all ruined! Everything just kept getting worse and worse all week and it's just too much! I have nothing to make me feel better! NOTHING!!" Jake freaked out.

Carrington held him even closer, his own heart breaking at Jake's words. He knew that sometimes Jake struggled with his emotions and he felt helpless in the face of his meltdown.

"Jake, listen to me. I know it feels like everything is falling apart right now, but you're not alone. I'm here for you, and I'm not going anywhere. We'll figure this out together, okay? Just take a deep breath and try to calm down."

Jake continued to stim negatively, his body shaking with the force of his movements. He couldn't stop himself, the anxiety and frustration building up inside him until it all came pouring out in a physical release.

As Jake continued to stim, his body finally gave in and he began to cry.

Tears streamed down his face as he let out a loud sob, his body trembling with the force of his emotions.

Jake repeatedly hits his head as he is hyperventilating. He even punched Carrington's chest as he is in extreme distress.

Carrington winced as Jake hit his chest, but he didn't let go of him. Instead, he held him even tighter, trying to comfort him as best he could.

"Jake, stop! Please, stop hitting yourself and me. You're going to hurt yourself even more. Just let it out, okay? I'm here for you, just let it all out."

Jake started to focus on the pressure of the hug. His breathing started to settle down.

Carrington could feel Jake starting to calm down, and he kept his arms wrapped tightly around him, providing a safe and steady pressure.

"That's it, Jake. Just focus on me and the pressure. Breathe in and out slowly. You're doing great, just keep going."

Jake slumps his head onto Carrington's shoulder. "I'm sorry..." He croaked out as a few tears dropped. "I'm so sorry.."

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