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Jake is sitting on the couch. Feeling a presence sit down next to him and wrap his arm around him. But he didn't bother to look up from his phone.

"Hey, love," Carrington says, gently squeezing his shoulder. "Whatcha doing?"

Jake suppresses a laugh, since Carrington has never called him that before. "Just scrolling." He replied, snickering.

" 'Love' is perfectly acceptable." Carrington pouts. "I just wanted to be affectionate. Is that so wrong?"

"No?" Jake laughs, clicking his phone off. "I never said it was wrong to call me that either." He chuckles again, the flirting going over Jake's head.

"Oh, so you like it?" Carrington smirks, scooting closer to Jake and placing his head on his shoulder. "I'll keep that in mind."

"I guess." Jake replied, turning back on his phone. He was dense. He was oblivious. The tones and social cues aren't hitting.

Carrington rolled his eyes playfully, knowing full well that Jake was completely oblivious. He continued to snuggle up against him, his arm still wrapped around his shoulder. "You know, you're so dense sometimes," he teased.

"What's that mean?" Jake glanced over at Carrington before he took off his Ed-Hardy hat and tossed it on the coffee table, exposing his red hair.

"It means you don't pick up on social cues very well," Carrington chuckled. "I've been trying to flirt with you for the past five minutes and you haven't even noticed."

"WHAT???" Jake laughs, "You were? Damn! How did I not notice? No.. you're just joking, that is what it is. I jokingly say like flirty stuff to you and Johnnie. You're just uh- pulling one of those, it's not like you're serious or anything."

Carrington shook his head, still smiling. "No, I'm not joking," he said firmly. "I've been flirting with you this whole time, and you seriously haven't noticed? I thought I was being pretty obvious."

"I can't tell-" Jake laughs, turning a bit red in the face. "Are you serious? are you for real? No wayyyyy."

Carrington chuckled, noticing Jake's flustered reaction. "Yes, I'm for real," he repeated. "I'm dead serious, love." He playfully poked Jake's side.

"Uh-huh, okay. I don't believe you" Jake snickers as he grabs his phone and scrolls on it again.

Carrington let out an exaggerated gasp, feigning offense. "You don't believe me?" he said, pretending to be hurt. "How could you not believe me? I'm the most trustworthy person you know."

He took Jake's phone from his hands and placed it on the coffee table, making sure to put it out of his reach.

Jake pouts when his phone was taken. He looks over. "I was on that, but okay. What do you want? what's up man?" He snickers.

Carrington grinned, enjoying the fact that he had Jake's full attention now. "Nothing much," he said innocently. "I just want to spend some time with you. Is that a crime?" He leaned in closer, his face only a few inches away from Jake's.

Jake shakes his head. "No, that's not a crime. You're one of my best friends after all." He replied. His cheeks turned a bit more rosy when he noticed how close Carrington is.

Carrington chuckled softly, noticing the rosy hue on Jake's cheeks. "You're blushing," he teased, poking his cheek. "Are you getting flustered, love?"

"Oh my God, STOPPPP!" Jake laughs as he shoves Carrington playfully to the side on the couch. "You're so joking around, quit!"

Carrington falls back on the couch, laughing as he lands on his back. "Hey, you can't blame me for teasing you," he said, still giggling.

Jake rolls his eyes as he leans forward, a bit on top of Carrington as he looks down at the brunet. "You're such an dick, what do you want? Seriously?"

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