☆"Getting Them Together!"☆

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Request: xovickytoria

[ Grace and Johnnie help Jake and Carrington get together as a couple!!! ]

( my first one shot with Grace in it yayayay!!! )

this is for writing purposes only


Grace and Johnnie are cuddling on the couch. Jake sits next to the couple on his phone and Carrington is in the kitchen cooking dinner for everyone.

Carrington is cooking up a storm in the kitchen, the sizzling of the pan being the only thing heard for a while. He hums a tune to himself as he cooks, his eyes focused on the food.

He glances over at the couple on the couch, then over at Jake. He decides to make conversation with him."Hey, Jake. How's it going?"

Jake's heart races when he heard his name leave Carrington's mouth. "Fine!" He called out.

Grace looks over at Jake before she whispered in Johnnie's ear, "Do you think they like each other, baby?"

Carrington chuckled softly, his eyes still focused on the food he was cooking.

Johnnie glanced over at Jake, then back at Grace, a small smile on his face."Who knows? They seem to get along well enough."

Grace pulled Johnnie into a short kiss before whispering in his ear again, "We should get them together. After dinner we'll each talk to them separately to see how they feel." She giggles.

Johnnie chuckled softly and nodded, his eyes flickering over to Jake again. He knew that Grace was right. The two did seem to get along well.

"You know, I think you might be onto something there," he whispered back, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Grace laughed as she kissed Johnnie again. Johnnie returned the kiss.

Carrington has a small smile on his face. He finished cooking the food and began to plate it up, setting the plates on the table.
He called out to the others."Dinner's ready!"

"Ooh I'm starving!" Grace beams as she grabs Johnnie's hand and the two get up. However Jake was still engrossed into his phone, he heard his name called but it didn't process fully.

Carrington chuckled as he watched Grace and Johnnie head towards the table. He noticed that Jake was still on his phone, seemingly oblivious to the fact that dinner was ready.

He walked over to the couch and sat down next to Jake, gently nudging him with his elbow."Hey, space cadet. Dinner's ready."

Jake lifted his head. He blushes faintly at the sight of looking at Carrington. He nodded as he got off the couch and walked himself into the kitchen.

Grace and Johnnie are eating and talking, occasionally sharing little kisses and laughter here and there.

Carrington followed Jake into the kitchen, taking a seat next to him at the table. He couldn't help but notice the faint blush on Jake's face as he looked at him. It made his heart skip a beat.

Carrington smiled and began to eat his own food, occasionally glancing over at Jake. He tried to act casual, but he was secretly watching him closely.

"This is delicious, Carrington! Thank you" Grace cheerfully says as she feels a kiss to her cheek from Johnnie. Making her giggle and grin.

Carrington smiled at Grace's compliment, feeling a sense of pride."Thank you, I'm glad you like it," he replied.

"Yeah it's good.." Jake spoke up. He's been a bit quieter this evening. Grace and Johnnie exchanged a look at each other before looking at Jake.

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