☆Silly Jake!☆

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"CARRINGTON!!" Jake screamed up the stairs, before he tripped and fell in the middle of the living room floor.

Carrington was just about to upload a video when he heard the scream. He stopped dead in his tracks, a look of concern on his face. He quickly made his way downstairs, a hand on the railing as he went.

Jake was laying on the ground, in the middle of the floor near the stairs. He is laughing.

Carrington chuckled as he saw Jake laughing on the floor. He walked over to him and extended a hand to help him up. "You alright, man?"

"I accidentally fell..." Jake giggles as he grabs Carrington's hand, getting up.
Carrington helps Jake up, his grip firm on his hand. "You're lucky you didn't break anything," he said, a smirk on his face. "What were you doing that made you fall?"

"I was gonna run up the stairs to scare you but I tripped on my pants and fell before I made it to the stairs." Jake explained, chuckling.

Carrington laughed at the explanation, shaking his head. "Of course you were," he said, his voice filled with amusement.

Jake rolls his eyes, smiling. "C'mon!" He tugs Carrington towards the couch.

Carrington chuckled again and allowed himself to be led to the couch. He sat down next to Jake. "What are we doing now?"

Jake plops on the couch, but misses and proceeds to roll off the couch and onto the ground.

Carrington bursts out laughing as Jake falls off the couch. "Are you trying to break every bone in your body today?" he said, trying to hold back his laughter.

"NO!" Jake exclaimed as he sat up. His hair was a mess as he smiled goofily at Carrington.

Carrington ruffled Jake's hair, trying to fix it. "You're such a clutz," he said, a playful tone in his voice. "Maybe I should start calling you 'Mr. Fall-a-lot' instead of Jake."

"Nahhh, man." Jake stuck his bottom lip out. "Maybe I can call you.. uhhh..." He thinks, trying to think of something.

Carrington raised an eyebrow, waiting for Jake to come up with a nickname for him. "Well, don't hurt yourself thinking too hard," he teased.

"Shut up,cutie patootie-" Jake wheezed as he covered his face, laughing.

Carrington blushed at the nickname, a smirk on his face. "C-cutie patootie?" he repeated, trying to hide his flustered expression. "Is that the best you can come up with?"

"Shut up!" Jake uncovered his face, is mind was goop. He couldn't think of any nicknames right now.

Carrington chuckled at Jake's struggle to come up with a nickname. "Aww, looks like you're all out of ideas," he teased, poking Jake's cheek.

Jake pokes Carrington's nose. "Poke." Then he starts to poke all over the brunet's face.

Carrington scrunched up his nose as Jake poked it, trying to dodge the rest of the pokes. "Hey, hey! Cut it out!" he said, laughing. "You're gonna poke my eyes out if you keep doing that."

"Make me, pussy!" Jake exclaimed, laughing as he continued to poke Carrington's face.

Carrington rolled his eyes, grabbing Jake's wrists to stop him from poking his face. "You're such a child," he said, still laughing. "Do you want me to poke you back?"

Jake starts to laugh harder, "yOu'RE SuCH A chiLD, then you mother fucker turned your logic wanting to poke me back!!!"

Carrington grinned, realizing that he had been caught. "You got me there," he admitted, still holding onto Jake's wrists. "But you started it by calling me a pussy."

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