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Jake is laying his head onto Carrington's lap. Fidgeting with his phone and playing games on it. His eyes glued to the screen as his leg is bouncing and dangling off of the bed.

Carrington chuckled softly at how invested Jake was in his game. He couldn't help but find it adorable. He loved the feeling of Jake's head resting on his lap, as if it were the most comfortable pillow in the world.

He glanced down at Jake's screen for a moment before looking back up, recording a TikTok on his own phone. He wanted to keep his focus on the video, but the temptation to tease his boyfriend was too great.

Eventually Carrington saved the tiktok into his drafts and sets his phone aside to admire Jake.

With his phone finally out of the way, Carrington could give Jake his full attention. He shifted slightly, moving one of his hands to run his fingers through Jake's hair.

"You know you're adorable, right?" He asked, a smirk on his face as he continued to pet his head.

"I'm adorable?" Jake glanced up. His hair us getting all messy from being played with. He laughed a bit before looking down at his phone.

"Of course you are," Carrington chuckled, noticing how messy his hair was getting. He continued to play with it, a playful glint in his eyes."You're like a little lazy cutie, all focused on that game," he teased, ruffling Jake's hair.

Jake rolls his eyes but the smile remained in his face. He stuck his tongue out to the side as he is playing games on his phone

Carrington chuckled again at the sight of Jake's tongue sticking out. He found it both endearing and amusing.

He leaned down, planting a kiss on the top of his head. "You're such a dork," he teased, his voice full of affection.

"Yeah? You are too" Jake replied to the comment Carrington made. He pecked Carrington's cheek and puts his phone aside.

Carrington couldn't help but blush slightly as Jake kissed his cheek. He was always so affectionate, and it melted his heart every time.

He pouted jokingly, pretending to be offended. "Hey, I'm not a dork," he protested, a playful glint in his eyes. "I'm a sophisticated model."

Jake blinked a few times before his smile rises up on his face. He started to laugh. "Okay mr.vocabulary."

Carrington rolled his eyes, trying to maintain his pouty expression but failing miserably. He couldn't help but chuckle along with Jake.

"You're just jealous of my extensive vocabulary," he retorted, sticking his tongue out at him.

"No I'm jealous that I'm not getting any fucking kisses right now" Jake replied as he leaned in and kissed Carrington.

Carrington couldn't argue with that. He melted into the kiss, his arms wrapping around Jake's shoulders as he pulled him closer.

He let out a soft hum of contentment against his lips, clearly enjoying the attention. "You're such a needy little thing," he teased when they broke apart.

Jake smiles at this reply. "Yeah? I'm needy?" He snickered, "says the one that is always clingy when we cuddle."

Carrington huffed, pretending to be offended again. "Hey, I'm not clingy," he protested. "I just like being close to you."

Despite his words, he was the one who always held Jake tight when they cuddled. He loved the feeling of their bodies pressed together, and the warmth that came with it.

And Jake really did love the cuddles. He loves the comfort and pressure of being squeezed and loved.

Jake yawns as he clings onto Carrington's waist. He rests his head onto Carrington's chest and closes his eyes. "Goodnight, Lovebird."

Carrington chuckled as Jake clung to him and laid his head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around him, holding him close.

"Goodnight, love," he whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of his head. He knew that Jake was tired, and he was more than happy to let him rest.

He settled back against the pillows, running his fingers through Jake's hair as he closed his eyes as well. Soon, the room fell silent, save for the sound of their breathing.

The end
700 words

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