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cw: age regression!
(Skip if uncomfortable pls, all satire)

[ Been a minute since I wrote age regression, hope u enjoy for those who do! ] :)


Jake is currently in little space. Laying in his bed with teary eyes since he couldn't get to sleep. He whined and pouted. Before it finally escalated into Jake squealing out for his caregiver, Carrington.

"Hush hush.."

Carrington would shush the boy softly as he quickly set his phone down on the nightstand and went to sit next to Jake on the bed, rubbing his shoulder gently to try and comfort him.

He'd brush Jake's hair back with his other hand, trying to get a look at the boy's face and see why he was so upset."Why're you crying, bubs?"

Jake sniffled, "I can't sleep," he replied in a squeaky voice. "And I can't find my stuffie anywhere!"

Carrington sighed a bit and gently lifted the Jake up into his lap, hugging him close to his chest."Aww.. that's no good, baby.."

He gently rocked the little one in his arms, trying to soothe him a bit as he spoke in a soothing tone.

"It's alright, sweetheart. I'm sure it's just hiding somewhere. We'll look for it in the morning, okay, Jake?"

Jake cried, "No!! I can't go nini without it!" As he squirmed away and began looking around the room for his stuffie that he sleeps with.

Carrington frowned a bit, hating seeing his baby so distressed. He'd gently grab his arm and pulls Jake back into his lap, wrapping his arms around him once more to keep him in place."Baby, you need to calm down. You can't just go around throwing a fit like that."

He said firmly, though his voice still remained soft and gentle. He'd place his chin on the top of Jake's head, gently rubbing his back.

"Can chu find it pwease?' Jake sniffled as he looked up at Carrington. "I really need it.."

Carrington gave a small smile and wiped the tears off of the Jake's face with his thumb, gently caressing his cheek."Of course I can, baby. Just don't get all worked up, alright?"

He would place a soft kiss on his forehead before getting up and looking around the room, searching for the stuffed animal.

Jake sits in bed. Watching Carrington look around the room. He sniffled a few times as he asks, "Did chu find it?"

Carrington would continue looking around, checking behind the furniture, in drawers, and under the bed. But no luck.

He'd sigh and shake his head, standing up straight as he looked at the little sitting in bed."I'm afraid I haven't yet, baby.."

Jake pouted and looked down. He sniffled a few times.

Carrington walked back over to the bed and sat down next to Jake, pulling him into his lap again and holding him close to his chest. He'd gently rock him, trying to calm him down once more.

"I know you're upset, baby.. but I'm sure it's just hiding somewhere. We'll find it tomorrow, I promise."

"Nooo!!" Jake looked at Carrington. "look! downstairs! Look again!!!" As his eyes were full of sadness. "Ish my comfort item.."

Carrington gently patted his head and nodded."I know it is, baby. But it's late, and I don't want you up any longer than you need to be. You're tired, and you need your rest."

He'd lean down and press a kiss on the top of Jake's head."I promise we'll look again tomorrow, okay? You can stay up all you want in the morning, but you have to sleep right now."

Jake pouted. He didn't say anything. He just rolled over. He was still obviously hurt as he is silently upset.

Carrington sighed and gently laid the boy down in the bed, tucking him in under the blankets and covering him up to his chin.

He'd continue rubbing his back in an attempt to soothe him, a small frown on his face as he watched Jake roll over."Please don't be mad at me, baby.."

Jake sniffled, "Find it.." he mumbled heartbrokenly as he closes his eyes. A few tears rolled down his cheeks as he curled up.

Carrington's heart broke at the sight of his baby crying. He hated seeing him upset like this. It was breaking his heart. He gently wiped away the tears, still rubbing his back to try and comfort him.

"I'll find it, baby.. I promise I will.."He spoke in a gentle tone, running his fingers through the boy's hair to help him relax and fall asleep.

Jake falls asleep. Unfortunately he cried to sleep silently but he still fell asleep. Carrington knows he has to find the stuffie now.

Carrington watched as Jake slowly fell asleep, gently shushing him and whispering soft praises to help him drift off.

He hated that Jake was crying himself to sleep, but at least he was finally asleep. It was now time to find the stuffed animal.

He carefully got up out of bed, quietly making his way out of the room and beginning his search for the toy.

As Carrington was searching, he finally found the stuffed animal in the movie room. Exactly where it was earlier when they were watching movies together earlier.

Carrington's eyes widened a bit when he saw the stuffed animal in the movie room. He let out a sigh of relief, picking up the toy and looking it over.

"Of course it was here.. why didn't I think of that?"He said to himself, mentally slapping himself for not looking here earlier.

Jake is still asleep in the bedroom. Snuggled up in the pile of blankets and curled up. Tears stained his face.

Carrington made his way back to the bedroom, holding the stuffed animal in his hand. He walked over to the bed and sat down on the edge, gently shaking Jakes shoulder to wake him up."Baby.."

Jake opened his eyes. He sleepily mumbled, "Wha.. Carri? Me.. nini.. wha?"

Carrington smiled and gently rubbed his back, holding the stuffed animal up in front of him so he could see it."I found your stuffed animal, baby. I'm sorry it took me so long."

Jake gasped and sits up. He stared at it and began to squeal and bounce in the bed. "you found it!! Ah!! You did!!" As he grabbed the stuffie and squeezed it.

Carrington chuckled softly and watched as Jake excitedly grabbed the stuffed animal and squeezed it, clearly happy that he had found it. He loved seeing his baby so happy."I did, baby. I promised you I would, didn't I?"

Jake nodded before he yawned and rubbed his eyes. Dropping his stuffie on his lap as he looked sleepy again.

Carrington chuckled again and gently ruffled his hair, leaning down and kissing the top of his head.You're still tired, aren't you?"

"Mhm," Jake laid down and snuggled with his stuffie. "Carri? Do you think me and you be together forever?" He says sleepily.

Carrington's heart melted at the boy's question, and he laid down next to him, pulling him into his arms and holding him close"Of course I do, baby. We'll be together forever and ever. I'm not going anywhere."

Jake giggles and says, "I love you Carri" as he kissed his caregivers cheek and closes his eyes. He suddenly fell asleep and snuggled with his stuffie in his arms.

Carrington smiled as Jake giggled and kissed his cheek, feeling his heart melt even more at his adorable sleepy state.

"I love you too, baby.."

He whispered, gently pulling Jake even closer to him and closing his eyes as well. He wrapped his arms around him and nuzzled his face into the boy's hair, slowly falling asleep with him in his arms.

The end
1,300 words

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