Chapter 163: Fantasize

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Lily opened the bathroom door to release the steam that had accumulated during her shower.

She sat on the stool in front of the vanity with a towel wrapped around her, brushing the wet tangles out of her hair.

Changbin peeked up from his phone and smirked before tossing it to the side and linking his hands behind his head, resting against the headboard of his bed.

He watched with expressions of admiration laced with desire until she finally sensed his gaze and glanced at him through the open door. With a shy grin playing on her lips, she glanced back into the mirror as she brushed through her hair and said softly. "Stop that."

He chuckled as he threw his legs over the side of the bed and walked into the bathroom. "Stop what, princess?" He asked as he took the brush from her and stood behind her, catching her gaze in the mirror. "Stop admiring my wife's beauty?"

He shook his head as he leaned over her and picked up the hair dryer. As he brought himself back, he paused and placed a gentle kiss in the crook of her neck. "In this case- the princess does not get what the princess wants."

She giggled and rolled her eyes as she watched him position behind her and turn the hair dryer on. She softened her smile as he carefully lifted her hair with the brush, drying it from the root to the tip.

He peeked up at her through the mirror as his lips formed a downturned smile. "Are you enjoying the princess treatment?"

She let out an airy giggle as she nodded her head. "Always. Changbin Salon is my favorite. So relaxing."

He leaned down and kissed the top of her head as he used his fingers to brush the hair back from her shoulder, gently grazing her skin with his fingertips.

As he dried the section that he had just brushed back, he glanced down at her through the reflection. "You did damn good telling that story today. I almost believed it myself."

She pursed her lips and hesitantly nodded. "Yea- I assume she doesn't know about the whole 'sub' thing?"

He nodded as he replied. "Chan's always been careful about keeping his lifestyle hidden from his sister."

"Makes sense, I guess." She replied as she grabbed the hair tie from the vanity and began twirling it in her fingers.

Realizing that his earlier suspicions were confirmed, he replied, "You didn't like lying about it, did you? I could kinda see it in your face when you were telling the story."

She took a deep breath as she focused on the hair tie. "It just felt so- wrong. I never realized how important the beginning of our relationship was to me until I had to lie about it. Well- let me rephrase. I don't mind not giving those details to other people. But just- saying it- denying the truth-"

He looked at her with a puzzled expression as she met his gaze in the mirror.

She sighed as a sincere expression blanketed her face. "I just prefer the raw truth, that's all."

He arched his brow in curiosity. "You mean the part where we were cold and heartless and treated you like a toy?" He asked with a slightly teasing tone. "You prefer that over a 'night in shining armor' story?"

Her expression never left her face as she responded. "Kinda- yea." Realizing the insanity of her admission, she dropped her focus back to the hair tie.

He continued with her hair as he stared at her, attempting to understand what she was trying to say, without assuming.

"It's just- I know it sounds crazy, but- I kinda-" She glanced up at him to read his expression as she thought about whether to continue with her admission. "Fuck- I fantasize about it sometimes." She finally spewed her admission as she dropped her gaze from him to the hair tie, trying to hide the embarrassment covering her face.

He turned the hair dryer off and placed it on the vanity as she continued. "Like- I know that treatment is part of our lifestyle sometimes- and it's great- god- it's fucking amazing-"

She stumbled over her words before finally releasing her thoughts as he listened with amusement. "-but I know you hold back. I don't know why, but sometimes, I think about the first day- and I imagine what it would've been like if I had experienced you before the whole truth came out- before I knew what was happening and who yall really were. I know it's fucked up, but it turns me on."

He rolled his tongue over his bottom lip as his assumption was confirmed. "So you're telling me-" He cupped her jaw, applying a gentle amount of pressure as he guided her to look at him. "-your trauma has become a kink?" He asked with a darkened tone and sadistic grin.

Chills traveled down her spine, and she bit her lip as he stared into her eyes and continued, "Am I not- cold enough for you when I call you my little slut?"

He kept his grasp on her jaw, guiding her off the stool and backing her against the wall behind her. "You like to fantasize about me-" He applied more pressure to her jaw while being careful not to restrict her breathing. "-owning you for no other purpose than to please me?"

Her breath hitched as she rapidly nodded her head and closed her eyes.

He turned her head and pressed his lips against her ear and whispered. "And what makes you think I hold back?"

She deeply inhaled and slowly exhaled before responding. "I saw the original contract. You altered your list."

He closed his eyes and let out a slow breath, remembering the things he had removed. "Fuck." He growled under his breath as he released her jaw, and dropped his head, resting his lips against the top of her shoulder. "Princess-"

Feeling as if the idea made him uncomfortable, she placed her hands on his chest and replied, "It's ok, you don't have to-"

"If we do this-" He interrupted in a soft tone as he brought his hand back to her face and caressed her cheek with his thumb, "-I need to know your limits."

"I only have two." She replied confidently as she wrapped her hand around his wrist. "No blindfolds. I have to be able to see you. And I have to hear your voice."

He brought his other hand to her other cheek and replied. "Do you remember the list? Do you understand everything involved in what you're asking me to do right now?"

Without hesitation she nodded and replied. "Yes- I remember."

She felt his dick twitch against her as he closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh. Suddenly, he snapped his eyes open and glared at her with a cold, dark, and predatory gaze. "Get your clothes on- downstairs- 15 minutes."

As she started to walk away, he grabbed her hand and pulled her back into him. He gazed into her eyes as he used both hands to brush her hair back from her face. "Princess- I love you so much." He said in a reassuring tone.

Understanding the reason for his tone, she returned a reassuring expression as she smiled. "I know, Binnie. I love you, too."

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