Chapter 112: Caught

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The range of emotions that clashed together as Lily and Hyunjin explained the conversation was overwhelming.

Changbin glared at Han as he shouted. "You're fucking blind if you can't see that it's a fucking cover because he knew he got caught!"

Han rolled his eyes and argued, "Got caught? Doing what exactly? Got caught stopping Lia's brother from attacking us?"

He stood to his feet and narrowed his eyes at Changbin. "Or got caught capturing Lia before she could do anything else to fuck us over."

He sarcastically shook his head and pointed his finger in the air as if he had figured it out. "I know. Of course. It was when he got caught capturing the fucking security guard who stayed in our house for fucking days just waiting to open us up for an ambush so he could run off with Lily to another country to hand her over!" His voice was cracking as he shouted, standing nearly toe to toe with Changbin.

"That's enough!"

Chan and Leeknow jumped in between them, forcing distance between the two.

Lily sat back on the couch and propped her feet on the coffee table, one ankle crossing the other. Her elbow dug into the arm of the couch under the weight of her head, which rested against her knuckles. She seemed almost amused at the scene unfolding in front of her.

After the two were separated, Lily turned to Seungmin and casually, yet loudly spoke as if nothing had happened. "Seungmin, my dear. Don't we have a polygraph machine downstairs?"

He smiled and nodded, knowing what she was about to suggest. "Yes, beautiful, we do, indeed." He replied, matching her attention seeking tone.

"Perfect! Will you get that ready to go for me, please?" Lily asked with a wink.

Seungmin again nodded, "I certainly will."

Finally, silence was all that could be heard. Lily remained in her propped and lounged position, with all eyes on her.

"Babygirl, you're a genius." Chan finally spoke, understanding the motive. "We'll call JK back and hear what he has to say. We'll ask questions, and then we'll request that both he and his brother in law take the polygraph test. If he refuses, we don't trust them. If he agrees, we ask questions based on what he's told us. That'll settle this debate, and we can move on. Sound fair?"

After everyone agreed, Lily raised her head and relaxed her arm, as she added with authority in her tone. "We'll go to the conference room and video call him. If any of you want to ask questions- fine. But every one of us will remain calm. Am I clear?"

"Ok. Let's get this over with." Changbin conceited, though still clearly frustrated.


After a few rings, JK's face appeared on the wall moniter at the head of the conference table.

JK: Hey Sparky.

LILY: We're willing to hear you out, but under a few conditions.

JK: Anything.

LILY: We're gonna ask you questions. But we're going to confirm everything through polygraph. Both of you.

JK: That's fair. I can respect that.

LILY: Good. When we come, your guards are to stand down. We will remain armed until we're sure that we can trust you.

JK: Certainly.

CHANGBIN: Just like that?

JK: I need you all to believe me. I can't help you, otherwise.

CHAN: Get your brother in law.

JK: Tablo. I need you over here, please.

TABLO: Good eve-

CHANGBIN: First of all, why did you sit back and allow one of Kwon's men into my home and not say anything?

TABLO: I was unaware that he and the assistant director were Kwon's. While he's in hiding, everything goes silent. Any missions that are ordered are limited to the parties directly involved. I've been in the dark since Kwon left. If I had known, I certainly would have said something.

HYUNJIN: Can you provide names that weren't on that list?

TABLO: I can. Unfortunately, only a few more.

LILY: Why are they so dead set on capturing me.

TABLO: I'm not sure you should hear-

LILY: Answer the question.

TABLO: Kwon just wanted you all dead for causing IKON's downfall. You took out his most valuable sub unit. Brian wants revenge for Bobby. Kwon agreed to allow him to- keep you instead of killing you.

LILY: Keep me?

JK: Sparky- Don't force that answer.

LILY: Tablo-

TABLO: Back in the states. You were supposed to be- uh- belong to him and Bobby, yet you were- sol-

LILY: Sold. Stop stalling, and just spit it out

TABLO: Yes. Sold. Brian was pissed. Even more so when he found out you were involved in the downfall and Bobby's death. His idea of revenge is turning you into what you were intended to be to start with.

LEEKNOW: Ok, that's enough.

TABLO: Oh thank god. I'm sorry. I-

LILY: We'll be there tomorrow for the polygraph. Thank you.

Lily quickly disconnected the call. The group sat for a brief moment in silence before she finally said, "I believe them."

"I do too." Hyunjin mumbled hesitantly.

Han glanced at Changbin, who immediately caught his gaze, and gave a simple nod.

Lily stood from her seat and yawned. "I going to bed. I'm not puking for once, so I'm gonna try to sleep before my luck runs out." She said before giving the first goodnight kiss to Felix.

"Who are you staying with tonight, beautiful?" Seungmin asked softly as Lily moved toward him to kiss him. "You. But don't rush up. I'm going straight to sleep."

Seungmin smiled and nodded before accepting her kiss. "I'll be up soon."

After Lily made her way around, giving each of her boyfriends a goodnight kiss, she exited the room, leaving the men to discuss the situation.

As soon as Lily made it to Seungmin's room, she closed the door, pressed her back against the wall beside it, and slowly sank to the floor. The emotions that she had been keeping back had finally caught up with her. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she held her breath to control her sobs.

After a few minutes, she was able to calm herself down enough to crawl into bed, instantly drifting off the sleep.


The boys knew that Lily had been struggling to show her emotions lately. After multiple breakdowns over the last couple of weeks, she and the others agreed that it was best to give her space during those times. However, she was unaware of the fact that one of them would always stand closeby, listening, just in case it became too much for her to handle alone.

After the cries faded, Seungmin heard the creek of the bed. He waited just a few minutes before he, as silently as he could, opened the door and peeked in, just to confirm that she was ok. A sad smile played on his lips as he slowly closed the door and went back to meet with the others.

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