Chapter 29: We'll Teach You

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Lily entered Hyunjin's room to find him standing in front of his dresser mirror, adjusting the bow tie around his neck. "Mmm, look at you, my handome man." She said as she walked up behind him. He smiled and gazed at her through the mirror. She locked her arms around his waist and rested her head against his back. "Promise you'll be careful tonight?"

He spun around and wrapped her in a comforting embrace. "My angel, I promise. I'll come home safe."

She pulled away and tilted her head up to him, hinting for a kiss. He cupped both of her cheeks and pulled her to him, meeting her lips to his.

"What's the mission anyway? I've been forced to rest for the last few days, and I'm going crazy not knowing what's happening." She pouted as she flopped onto his bed.

Hyunjin shook his head and chuckled at her tantrum. "Cute." He removed the vest from the hanger and put it on as he explained. "This is just a typical mission. The local police have been after this guy for a while. They know he smuggles drugs through here, but he's good at covering his tracks. They don't have the proof they need to issue a warrant, so I'm going in. He's hosting a ball tonight, so it'll be easy for me to get in and get what I need for the police."

Lily nodded, then asked, "Are you gonna have to be all over some sleezy skank?"

Hyunjin belted out in laughter. "No, unfortunately, that charm doesn't work on a womanizer. It'll be a little more complicated, but I can handle it."

"If you'd have taught me to be a seductress, I could've helped." She hissed, arching her brows at him.

Hyunjin glared at her and said in a stern tone. "We are not discussing this."

Lily rolled her eyes and bounced off the bed with frustration. "Whatever, be careful. I love you."

She was out of the room before Hyunjin could reply.

Yeji was sitting on the edge of the exam table, having her bandages changed by Han when Lily entered the med bay

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Yeji was sitting on the edge of the exam table, having her bandages changed by Han when Lily entered the med bay.

"There's my love." Han said with a smile, quickly peeking up from his focus.

Lily walked to Han and gave him a kiss before sinking into the chair across from the exam table.

"Ok, spill. What did Prince Charming do this time?" Yeji asked eagerly.

"I'm just sick of him holding me back. I've made it clear that I want to learn everything, and so far, I've been great at everything that I have learned. But every time I mention seduction training, he shoots me down. And because of that, he's gonna have to struggle on a mission tonight. Apparently, the target is a womanizer, so I could've easily gotten the job done, but noooo! His little angel won't be put in that situation because she can't handle herself." She finished in a mocking tone.

"Love, it's not that he thinks you can't handle yourself. After the other night, it's clear that you can." Han said in a half joking manner, earning an eye roll and a smirk from Lily before he continued. "Honey, you've just been through-"

"Jesus Christ, Hannie! I've spent my life fighting to not let anything that has happened to me affect who I am, and I've done a damn good job at it! I've always made my own decisions, but now, his dramatic ass is standing in my way!"

Yeji and Han couldn't help but be entertained by Lily's rampage.

Han finished taping the bandage and tapped Yeji, signaling that he was finished. "First of all, my love, I'm not Jesus. Sec-"

"We'll teach you." Yeji interrupted as she pulled the strap of her tank top back over her shoulder.

"You will!" Lily squealed and bounced with excitement

"Yes, love. He's gonna kill me, but yes. It should be your decision." Han continued what Yeji had interrupted.

Yeji scoffed, "He won't do shit. Blame me if you want, I don't care. I've always loved disobeying him, and I find it hilarious and ironic that he ended up with a girl just like me." She winked as she walked toward the door, grabbing Lily's hand along the way


Yeji giggled and walked to the bench along the wall and sat down. "Well, Lily, you have successfully turned me into into a lesbian."

Han laughed and added, "Yea, that was fucking hot. Let's do one more." He sat in the chair, grinning and waited for Lily's move.

Lily stepped over behind him and leaned down, and whispered something into his ear as she massaged his shoulders in a seductive manner. Han bit his lip and closed his eyes as he took a deep, hitched breath. Suddenly, she stopped what she was doing and walked away with a smug grin. "Done!" She chirped proudly.

"Done, wait, what? There's no way! What did you take?" Han frantically exclaimed as he patted his body.

Yeji furrowed her brows in confusion as Lily pulled Han's necklace from her pocket and dangled it in front of them. "Holy fuck! I didn't even catch that!"

Han stared at her in complete shock. "I think you're ready."

"Of course she is! Hyunjin isn't gonna know what hit him." Yeji replied.

"Yea, Hyunjin has the most insane sexual restraint I have ever seen and he's very alert. If you can do that to him, you'll be considered SKZ's new ACE." Han said confidently.

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