Normal P.O.V
They all followed Natsu's nose and ran through the ruins in search of Lucy. Natsu said they're very close as the scent was getting stronger and stronger.
They all reached a dead end, but Natsu broke through the wall, revealing a large prison inside with Zash tormenting the prisoners, and Lucy was one them. Natsu didn't waste and rampaged inside to save Lucy while the others were holding off the royal guards on the outside.
“Wind Prism!” Gems pulled out his defense spell immediately when the royal guards attacked.
“Hurry up, Natsu!” Gray yelled from the outside, while coughing out dust.
“Forest Dragon Wine Whip!” Wendy captured a lot of guards and sent them flying, but they were still more in numbers.
They all gasped when they saw that Zash was about to use the dragon cry. Gems and Gray looked at each and nodded. They immediately joined hands for a unison move, which they practiced in Smiling Palms village.
“Wind Shield!”
“Ice Make: Shield!”
They both channelled their magic together and all the air around them was frozen, with a very thick layer of ice and it was enchanted with Gems's winds to make it more powerful.
Gray had a proud smirk on his face when their spell was successful in defending them, their training had paid off.
“Is everyone okay?” Gems asked and they all nodded.
“Thanks for coming to save me.” Lucy said as she sighed and sat down.
“You guys need to leave, quick!” the lady that was with Zash earlier, appeared and mentioned them to leave with everyone looking confused.
“Who are you?” Erza asked immediately, getting defensive.
Before she could answer her question, the commotion started and the guards appeared trying to find them. “There's another way out, follow me!” she said as she started running away towards the exit she was talking about while mentioning the others to follow her.
Gems and Lucy looked at each other and just shrugged.
They all collected themselves and made a run to save their lives as they followed the orange haired lady. She told them that she had a magic where she can sense where people were and that's how she can find a safe exit, which led everyone to safety.
When Erza asked again about who she was, she informed that she the aide to King Animus, the king of Stella, and her name was Sonya. She had good intentions for the kingdom and didn't want anyone to get hurt.
She told why they need to staff to save their kingdom from the Stellanium, but Natsu refused to believe those actions.
Sonya wished them luck in their mission and just ran away.
But Sonya also informed them that there was a ceremony tomorrow evening in a temple in the northwest part of the city and that's why they planned about waiting and taking the staff when its exposed.
- Mini time skip -
“This forest is beautiful.” Gems said as he looked around and was in awe about how beautiful that forest was, in which they had set up a camp.
“Let's just hope they don't jump us again.” Lucy sighed.
“We'll take turns to keep watch.” Erza suggested and they all agreed. They all ate some fruits which they could get before they set up small tents for everyone to lay down and sleep through the night.

My Dear Brother (Gray Fullbuster X Male Reader)
Fanfiction📌 REWRITING This is a story, my story, of a 16 year old boy named Gems D'Cruz, and the adventures he'd have in the wizard guild with his love interest Gray Fullbuster. This is what my Fairy Tail would look like. 11/11/2024 - #1 in "grayfullbuster...