Matty and Angel

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I walked down and sat on the sofa next to Marshall and met his gaze when he turned to me.

"What did you tell him?" He asked, I sighed.

"I told him to put whatever electronics he has in his room and put it on this table right here!" I said, patting the table when I saw Matty come downstairs quietly with something I assumed was a PS4, he looked at the floor and walked over to us.

Marshall leaned forward on the couch and stared at him while Matty put down his PS4 before us on the table, he turned around quickly and ran up the stairs.

Marshall breathed out shortly before he turned to me again.

"Why did he do it ?? I mean, we didn't raise him to pick up fights ??" He asked, Matty appeared at the top of the stairs and walked down slowly with a white box, surely an Xbox. GOOOOD there are so many new things in today's society ...

I turned to Marshall without dropping my gaze from the Xbox.

"Remember when everyone used a Walkman?" I asked and met his gaze.

"Oh, you mean when youth actually went outside in there spare time?" I laughed briefly and nodded, Matty looked up and opened his mouth to say something, but closed it shut quickly when Marshall raised his eyebrows at him. Matty walked quickly up the stairs again.

Oh yes! I haven't explained how my two ange- NOW ONE angel looks like yet!

Matty is like Marshall's twin, it's almost scary! He is quite tall, he looks thin, but as soon as he puts on something other than a hoodie, you can see he is well trained.

It makes sense they work out all day ... Yes, Marshall and Matty work out together downstairs in the gym in the basement. He won't be doing that for a week!

He has curly brown hair, but uses much vox to shape it the way he wants it, slightly sharp and sticks out at all sides. Looks a bit as if he has just woken up if you ask me, but I must admit that he looked good in it. It was an easy way to get your hair done!

Matty gets good grades, but I have noticed that he keeps it for himself among his friends. Says he gets Ds and Es when he really gets Bs and As. So he is a secret-smartass!

Hoodies, T-shirts, caps and pants under his ass. In short, a younger version of Marshall, just that, according to Marshall, 'at least knows what the fuck the teachers are talking about ...' However, he isn't completely like Marshall in his Slim Shady days, he wears slightly big jeans and not sweat -pants or jewelry.

Angel, however, is so awfully pretty that it hurts! She looks, apperantly, just like me according to Grandma, Grandpa and Marshall.

Oh yeah, my grandparents are still alive. 97 years old, soon it'll probably be a celebration if it continues this way.

I thought she looked more like mom than me, she had her brown eyes.

Angel is shorter than Matty, she's the smart of the twins. CLEARLY! She's good at school, like Matty, but she says it out proudly. She uses tough clothing,  holey pants and belly tops, lots of bracelets and a little dark makeup around the eyes.

I can admit we look a little like each other on that part! But she isn't as bad as I was! She has style, she puts together several colors such as white and multi-colored tops. I wore black, thats it.

Me and Marshall went from talking to follow Matty every time he put down a new thing on the table, the rest of the evening until his room was stripped of electronics.

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