Is he back?

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______ Matty's POV_____

I was laying with my head on Taylor's lap and stared up at the ceiling. If they really ... if they really drink, if he really drinks again ...

I've heard what Haillie said about it, she was afraid of him. Not afraid that in that he hit her, but afraid that he was gonna die. Simply die. He had fallen asleep in the car when he was driving into the garage several times and came home drunk after Kim and he had argued. He had never done anything to her, but Haillie knew the best was to let him be alone. She knew there was no point to say it to him, cause he never listened ... What if there will be a replay ... What if it all happens again? What if he ends up in the hospital? And what about Mom? I don't know how she was when she was drunk or on anything, but of the things I've seen till now... It appears that they are very similar ...

"Matt, talk to me. Tell me what's on your mind." Taylor said, I hadn't noticed that she was playing with my hair until now. I sighed and stretched my arm over her neck and pulled her towards me in a kiss.

"I don't wanna talk, I wanna forget." I muttered, I got up and gently pushed her down on the couch. "Help me forget ..." I muttered and kissed her tenderly, I stroked her hips gently as the door was suddenly pushed open and we jumped from one another. Taylor sat up and both looked over at my mom, dad and ... Holy shit, there are media people ...

"Matt and Taytay, we got a visit." Dad said, Taytay? How many nicknames does he have on her???

There were two men, one with a notepad and the other with a camera. Dad and Mom sat down in the chairs above them and I and Taylor looked at them with wide eyes.

"Alright, let the interview start." Said the man with the block. "3,2,1 .... This is Roger James, Eminem has beed rumored to have agreed to do a tour, we are now here with Eminem and his wife to see if that's the case and also get rid of some other rumors going around." He turned to Dad.

"He's completely ... Gone, emotionless ..." Taylor whispered to me and looked at my dad with the big eyes, I just nodded

"So, Eminem. Are you having a new tour?"

"Yeah, I'll be having concerts around America ..." he said and coughed briefly.

"Is there any particular reason you're suddenly having this tour?"

"My family. No further questions ..." He met my gaze briefly.

"Do you have any plans for the tour? Like a name and locations?"

"I'm not quite there yet. I'm having a tour, but I haven't been planning it for so long that I know the locations or how the concert is gonna be. You know what I'm saying?"

Ho-ly shit.

"Are you going to travel alone or are you going to bring your wife and kids?"

"I'll bring them all, Matthew, Angel and Taytay."

"Who's Taytay? An unknown daughter of you?"

"What? Y'all would have known if she was ..." He said with a brief laugh, Taylor chuckled herself. "She's very close to the family and lives with us, I ain't leaving anyone behind if I'm going on this tour. Cause it will be long."

"Lastly, we don't have so much time, but there is a rumor going around that you've relapsed. Is this true?" I got big eyes and squeezed Taylor's hand in mine, while I desperately tried not to squeeze her hand. Dad burst out laughing, mom laughed with him and took his hand in hers.

"I haven't relapsed, I've had a minor step-back, but not relapsed. Chill ..." He chuckled



"So You're not drinking, smoking or taking pills like in the old days?"


"Okay, cause people have been discussing if Slim Shady was back, since you'd apperantly relapsed --"

"Ohohoh ..." He said and leaned towards the camera with an evil grin. "I never left ..." he said and showed the camera the middlefinger.

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