The call

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Marshall had just driven to pick up Matty and Angel so I was home alone, thank god we cleaned up the fight so Angel and Matty wouldn't notice any 'tension' between us. Just then my phone rang again, I picked it up without looking at the number called, clearly a mistake.

"Hello?" I asked smiling, I thought nothing more of it until I recognized the sickening laughter on the other end. My mood went from 'I-love-everyone' to 'fuck-everybody-and-kill-yourself' in two seconds. "What the hell do you want, Josh?" I spat, as if to say his name was highly toxic.

"He doesn't love you." He said bluntly, I stared hard into the wall to try to control the anger now rising.

"Bullshit, does 20 years say anything to you? He would've divorced me a long time ago, doubt he even would've proposed if he didn't love me ??"

"Well, maybe he loves you now, but the 'love-at-first-sight' stuff he keeps telling you is fucking bullshit!"

"... I will PRETEND you didn't just my accuse my husband of lying to me about his feelings and let you keep talking, you son of a bitch ..."

"YES, He saw you at the concert. YES, he thought you were hot. But NO, he didn't fall for you! It was a dare from the guys of D12! They wanted him to forget about Kim, move on, they only thought it would be a one-night stand, but he kept going on with you. Eventually, he fell for you! ASK HIM!"

"Pfft, He isn't that mean! He would never take advantage of a woman like that, I KNOW him!"

"He didn't stay at the hospital the night you passed out! He stopped by, gave you to a nurse or something, then drove off! He came back after the dare from the guys and did as the dare said, only more than just one night!"

"FUCK off, Josh." I said and hung up. Is it possible! LIE about Marshall that way just to get me back !? He even thinks I'm taking him back at all !? I DON'T LOVE HIM ANYMORE !! DEAL WITH IT AND MOVE THE FUCK ON !! I turned around when the front door opened and Angel ran into my arms. "Hey, Angel! What's up, sweetheart?" I said smiling and kissed her forehead, she looked up at me.

"I tasted alcohol ... Excuse my language, but it tastes like SHIT ..." I laughed and looked up as Matty came walking into, well, waddling in... Clearly hung over ....

"Hi Mom, I think I drank a little too much ..." he said and groaned loudly as he took to his head. Marshall walked in behind them, he looked at them serious and shook his head at them.

"I would recommend you to to stay away from it, it's just stupid. You don't need it, it's just a drink that makes you drink and drink until you bust and then you do things you'll probably regret later! BELIEVE me, I know what you can regret later ... I've probably done most of 'em anyways ..." Marshall said and met my gaze briefly.

"Listen to your dad, you'll regret a lot of things later. You know what they say? Drunk words are sober thoughts"

"You got that damn right ..." Marshall said and laughed briefly while he patted Matty on his back. "Look at your sister, she tasted, but didn't get wasted ..?" Matty groaned briefly and held his forehead. Ugh, does this mean that I have to be a nurse for a day?

"Ugh, Mom ... Can I have a glass of water, I need to sleep ..." Matty said and walked up the stairs slowly.

Take that as a yes.

"Sure, sleep it off." I smiled and walked over to the kitchen.

We Are Family #3 (English)Where stories live. Discover now