Offending Britney again

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"This is nice ..." I smiled and put my hand on his chest, he chuckled and stroked my arm.

"Yeah ..." He smiled and kissed my forehead while I hugged around his waist happily.

We lay in the bed in the middle of the pool, I lay with my head on his chest, while he hugged me. The sheet covered our waists down while we were cuddling.

"You were being romantic too, I'm proud of you ..."

"Until you practically yelled me in the face, screaming at me to stop being romantic and just fuck you ..." he chuckled, I smiled briefly and felt my cheeks get hot, and buried my face in his chest with an embarrassed smile. "20 years and I still make you blush by talking about us fucking, we're alone!"

"... Take it as a compliment, you're the only guy who can make me blush ..." I said and looked up at him, he met my gaze and I looked into his blue eyes. There were candles around the bed, and the lights reflected in his eyes ... The outlines of his face shimmered as he looked into my eyes ... "God, you're so beautiful ..." I said, he laughed briefly.

"That was new ..." He chuckled, I got a little smile on my face.

"Don't let anyone ever tell you, you ain't beautiful." I winked at him, he rolled his eyes and leaned up to me in a kiss. "Again ??" I giggled in the kiss. "I thought you being on tour would tire you ---"

"I'm never too tired for you, now shut up ..." he said and kissed me again.


"And then it's up here ..." I said, pointing up the road to the hotel where everyone stayed when there were no filming. Marshall drove into the parking garage and parked on the nearest available parking, ironically next to Adams car. "Remind me to kinda kill Adam, and then thank him."

"Will do, wifey." He said and walked out of the car, I walked out myself and took his hand in mine and followed him up to our room.

"Now you be careful, three women."

"Oh damn, you actually telling me I get to choose ?! FIVESOME IN THAT CASE." I punched him in the shoulder and rolled my eyes before I opened the door, 4 heads looked up at us right away and the girls got big eyes.

"OH MY GOD, Y'ALL HAD SEX !!" Christine cried, I got big eyes. HOW THE HELL DID SHE KNOW ?!

"YES OMG !!" Squealed Gwen, Adam looked at them with wide eyes.

"How the heck do you even see that, they just walked in the door ??" Adam said and stared at them with wide eyes before he looked over at us. "Hi, how was the flight by the way?" He laughed.

"It was good ---" Marshall started.

"Yeah, I bet it was !!" Said Gwen and winked at me, now only I gave up saying the opposite.

"How the hell can you tell ??" I asked, Marshall poked me in the side.

"Rhyming is my thing, shut up." I met his gaze with raised eyebrows. "Right, bad timing ... ehrm ..." I turned toward them again.

"Your skin and eyes are glowing !! It's easy to tell !! ... And he's happy as hell, which isn't normal in public." Said Christine, Marshall coughed briefly and made sure to not smile as much to put it that way ... "So, Marshall! How're you doing?" She asked and winked at him.

Ooooh, I know the drill ... They're testing hiiiim !!

"I'm doing fucking amazing, she got a body of a goddess ---"

"Shut it." I said quickly, he chuckled to himself, damn perverted pig. I looked up and met the eyes of Gwen, Christine and ... whoa ... And Britney ...

"So, lovebirds!" Said Gwen smiling and raised her eyebrow at me. "By the way, pleasure to meet you in real life and not just talking to you on the phone." Marshall nodded short as to say 'ditto'. "Anyways, I wanna see the love! Not just in the magazines--" Without anything more, Marshall pulled me close to him and there was nothing like 'oh what a sweet kiss' Nope. It was a 'I want you now' kinda kiss. I pushed him away from me and looked at the girls with a shy smile. "Holy shit, I said kiss, not mouth wash ..." Gwen said and rolled her eyes at us, I looked over at Marshall.

"Yeah, well ... That's how he roll ..." I said, patting him on the shoulder, he brought his arm around my waist and pulled me close to him again.

"We got 2 days ... You got your own room?" He whispered into my ear, I looked at him with big eyes.

"Not in hell we're doing it here ..." I winked at him fooled. "It would be too noisy ..." I walked away from him while I wriggled my butt more than usual, which is a lot.

"DO YOU ​​HAVE TO WALK LIKE THAT WHEN I CAN'T FUCK YOU !!" He shouted, Gwen and Christine turned toward him with wide eyes, he met the eyes of them. "Yes! Can you guys leave, I got my wife for two days before I leave for another six fucking weeks. And when I get home from the tour, she won't be done for another 4 weeks. So get the fuck out, so I can fuck her." I looked at him with wide eyes, as did all the others.

"You heard the man, get out!" Adam said and walk out.

"Wait, aren't you gay?" Asked Britney and turned to Marshall with a nasty smile on her lips, he raised his eyebrows at her. Oh-oh.

"Marshall, don't say something stupid ---"

"Oh? So you mean I'm gay because I fucked you? Okay." He said, and met my gaze.

"Like that ..." I said and looked over at Britney. Now he's done it ...

We Are Family #3 (English)Where stories live. Discover now