Matty, you are so stupid

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Me and Marshall had now been "arguing" 5 times and was now going on number 6, Matty and Angel looked at us with wide eyes while we were screaming at each other.

The 5 first times we had both done it so they both thought we made up for the quarrel by "enjoying ourselves" in the studio!

Which actually ended in it too, I mean, of course, we have sex when we hadn't had it in years (almost).

But this time, wouldn't the quarrel go down in the studio, which was becoming clearer and clearer to Matty and Angel.

"What the hell do you mean by that ?! You can't walk around bragging about my boobs ?!" I screamed, I really struggled to keep the mask when Matty said he had overheard Marshall "brag" about my body, but here we stood.

"The fuck is wrong with being happy about your fucking body and make my friends jealous of my wife !?" He yelled back, I got big eyes.

"I'm no fucking toy you can brag about !! I'M YOUR WIFE !!"

"EXACTLY! You're MY wife! I can say WHATEVER I wanna say !!" I sent him a brief glance, that was a good sentence to start a big argument.

"WHAT THE FUCK !!" I screamed and slapped him in the face, we had agreed on it and he said he could take it, and it felt pretty good since I have many times wanted to slap him to be honest... 20 years people, of course i have wanted some times... Matty and Angel gasped.

"Stop !!" Cried Angel desperately as Marshall turned to me again, grabbed my wrists and stared into my eyes.


"FOR NOW!" I yelled back and tore my hands out of his grip. I stared into his eyes and squeezed out a few tears while I continued. "We're done talking, I'm going to bed!" I screamed and stomped up the stairs, Marshall was left downstair and tightened his hands so his knuckles got white.

_____ Angel's POV____

"That fucking bitch!" He turned to us and met the eyes of Matty strictly. "Why the hell did you say that !!" He said pissed and shook his head to calm down. "I'm Sorry, I just--"

He was interrupted by mom appearing in the top of the stairs with covers and a pillow.

"MARSHALL !!" She screamed, he turned toward her. For a moment, it looked like a scene from Romeo and Juliet, she was one floor above him as he stood below and looked up at her. Only difference was that they both were pissed off at each other!

"WHAT NOW ?!" He shouted in reply, she threw the covers and the pillow down on his head.

"You're not sleeping in the same bed as me tonight! You fucking douche of a husband!"


"Always right!" She screamed back, oh that was a nice one.

I got big eyes when I realized what was happening, they weren't gonna share a bed !? As they always had done for 20 years !?

I turned to Matty and hit him in the stomach.

"OW! Why--" I shushed him.

"Matty, you are so stupid!" I whispered loudly when Dad turned to us with a sour glance.

"Go to bed you as well ..." he said through clenched teeth. "I'm sleeping in the FUCKING GUEST ROOM !!" He cried aloud, surely to get mom to hear him.

"Good! IT'S FREEZING IN THERE! I HOPE YOU FREEZE YOUR FUCKING ASS OFF !!" Mom yelled back, Dad said a few words to himself before he stomped into the guest room.

"So fucking stupid!" I said again and beat Matty once again, he said nothing this time.

"... It'll pass, they love each other ..." he said finally, I met his gaze.

"You're so stubborn! Can't you see what's going on !! They are sleeping in different beds in the same house for the first time in 20 years !! Your BRILLIANT plan may have caused them to HATE each other, Einstein!" I said, and slapped his cheek. This time, he nodded quietly and I saw tears in my otherwise strong brother. This was serious.

We Are Family #3 (English)Where stories live. Discover now