I hate you.

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"I hate you so fucking much right now, woman ..." Marshall said acidic and sat down on the couch next to me, I hit him lightly in the shoulder.

"Think of it this way, you're only on sex-ban for today ..." I said and sent a brief smile, he smiled back ... NOT

"Well, you couldn't punish me with that shit when we ain't alone for a whole goddamn evening? You couldn't wait until tomorrow ??"

"I could yes, but what the hell is the problem ?? We don't literally have to have sex all the fucking time to be happy ?? Right?" I met his gaze, he sighed briefly and nodded.

"Yeah, yeah ... I get that, but still. We don't have so much time alone anymore, I kinda ... You know, I wanna have you all to myself in some ... positions." He sent me a cheeky smile on his joke while I just shook my head at him.

"Stop joking, I like this. We're just a normal couple! We're not the "Eminem-couple" and everything like that, we're just Marshall and Jessica, you know? We never get to do this, I want it just to be this simple ..." I looked at him jokingly now. "But it's kinda hard to do that with a constant horny rapper as a husband ..." He burst out laughing.

"Ey, fuck you!" He laughed and showed me the finger, I shook my head and laid me into the crook of his arm again. "Aigh't, I understand what you want and I'll mak--" His phone vibrated, he apologized to me and took the phone up and answered without moving. "Me Speaking ..?" He answered, I could hear in his voice that it was a number he didn't know, it was probably a fan, he also changed his voice so he wouldn't be recognized immediately. I heard someone talking at the other end before Marshall's eyes got hard and his jaw tightened in rage. "What the hell do you want, Josh ?!" He spat out, I got big eyes. No ... We had fucking changers both of our numbers !? How on earth did he have Marshall's number !!! Yes, 20 fucking years and he hasn't even got the hint that I didn't want him back! Idiot... "Man, stop calling! It's OVER! Dude, she's fucking mine, get the hell over it!" There was a silence, I heard Josh said my name in the other end. "Aigh't FINE! If you don't fucking believe me, she'll tell you herself, fucking DICK!" He gave me the phone with a pissed off look, I took it from him quiet.

"What do you want?" I asked acidic, Josh breathed a sigh of relief and put in a short laugh.

"I've missed your voice so much ..."He said, I coughed pissed. "Uh, I ... I've told you this so many times, but I actually got proof this time."

"What the hell are you talking about ?!2 I exclaimed, Marshall put his hand on mine to calm me down, I exhaled.

"He isn't as perfect as you think!"

"I Know he isn't! NOBODY IS !! Fuck off Josh!" I exclaimed, and was about to hang up.

"Wait! He's back on drugs!" He screamed, Marshall heard it too and we both stared at the phone with big eyes.

"The FUCK ?!" He exclaimed and grabbed the phone. "I ain't on nothing you fucking idiot! If it's anyone on anything in this conversation it's your stupid ass!" He put it on speaker and let me hear the conversation.

"Well, why do I then have a motherfucking PICTURE of YOU SMOKING and DRINKING on a BAR last night !?" Now both me and Marshall burst out laughing.

"That can't be him, hahahha! He was with ME the whole day AND NIGHT." I laughed and shook my head.

"Sure about that ..?" He said, I nodded smiling.

"I'M PRET-TY suure ... Cause ... We didn't exactly sleep last night ..." I said, Josh gasped loudly and pretended he threw up the other end. 

"Well, the picture must've been taken before than ..." he said finally.

"Yeah, when he actually WAS drinking and smoking ??" I burst out laughing.

"Maybe, I don't know though ... He got brown hair though ..." I stopped laughing and looked at the phone in disbelief. "And a girl on his arm, thought it was you at first, but you don't have blonde hair? Unless you've dyed it of course ..."

"MAN! That's fucking bullshit! TEST ME! I haven't touched a fucking BOTTLE since my last relapse!" Marshall broke out, I turned to him questioningly, he met my gaze. "You fucking believe HIM !?" He stared at me annoyed, as if he couldn't believe me at all.

"I ... You had brown hair 2 days ago?" I said and looked at him quietly, I couldn't believe that I doubted him, but I actually had a hint of doubt in me and I didn't like the feeling. He shook his head at me without saying anything. "Is the picture online?" I asked without dropping his gaze.

"Yeah, It's from the People's magazine." Said Josh, I got up and got the PC from the table before I sat back on the couch next to Marshall. He stared hard into the wall. I went onto the website and on the first page it said:

Eminem back on drugs? Cheating on wife?

I pressed the article and saw the picture being uploaded, I couldn't see the face, but the back of the head to Marshall was easy to recognize and this... I looked over at him.

"What the fuck is this?" I asked hard and pointed at the screen, he stared hard at me and looked at the screen. He got big eyes and pointed to the picture.


"Cut the crap, Marshall! That's clearly the back of your cheating ASS HEAD!" I screamed and felt the tears push.

"The Fuck it isn't! I was with you the whole goddamn day !! AND NIGHT !! You'd fucking notcie if I even smelt smoke or alcohol !? BITCH, IF I EVEN TOUCHED ALCOHOL YOU'D FUCKING NOTICE ME BEING DRUNK AS FUCK!" I stared at him and realized he was right. I had either seen or smelled it.

"I'm so--"

"OH SO NOW YOU FUCKING BELIEVE ME!" He stared at me pissed before he got up from the couch. "If you don't believe someone who's not lied to you ONCE in 20 fucking years, you can take your damn things and get the hell outta my sight!" I got big eyes and looked at him as he stomped up the stairs.

"Marshall !!" I shouted after him, he stopped and turned to me with a look that hurt me deep into the heart. He stared at me like I was trash, with the most wounded eyes I had ever seen in him. "I'm ... I just, I got so worried! I didn't know what or WHO to believe!" I defended myself.

"Well, here's a good motherfucking hint! What about the guy that actually give a flying FUCK about you ?! The guy who has supported your ass through good and bad days! The guy you've fucking been married to for 20 MOTHERFUCKING YEARS! The guy you've got 2 KIDS with! How about that !? BUT Nooo! YOU trust the FUCKING asshole THAT Dumped YOU CAUSE HE FOUND SOMEONE ELSE!"

I didn't know what to say, I had never seen him this angry or hurt before.

"Marshall, I--" I started, but he laughed a nauseating laughter before he stared hard at me.

"Marshall, I" He mocked with a wispy voice. "I, I, I !! ME, ME, ME !! WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO US!?"

"I love you, and I've alwa--"

"OH, NOW YOU'RE OUT OF OPTIONS! Fucking SLUT, go fuck the one you trust so goddamn much, cause it clearly ain't ME!"

"MARSHALL! THIS IS ALL JUST A STUPID ARGUMENT!" I called out to him, he raised his eyebrows at me.

"A stupid argument ?! Would you just IGNORE it if I didn't TRUST YOU ?! What if Kim bursted in the door and yelling you cheated on me, and I belived her OVER you ?! Would you just fucking let it go !? NO! You wouldn't!"

"That's not the--"

"Same !? It fucking is, get LOST WHORE!" He screamed and walked up the stairs.

I knew it was the same and I knew I would react the same way he did ... I knew it, but now I was just pissed and sad. He called me a whore ..?

I walked to the phone on the table and stared down at it, he still hadn't hung up on us.

"Jessica?" He asked quietly, I felt tears down my cheeks.

"I hate you." I said and hung up.

We Are Family #3 (English)Where stories live. Discover now