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(The picture is Matthew, yuppie ...He's that similar to Marshall)

_______ Matty's POV_____

"Oh my god it's so cute !!!" Angel exclaimed and lifted the dog sentiments towards me, I pushed her away gently.

"Jesus, just ... ugh ... " I said, she looked at me quizzically.

"What's your problem? You on your period Matthew?" She said teasingly, I sent her a brief glance before I walked to the exit.

"I'm going out, I'm fucking tired of this whining about the dog all day ..." I said and put on my Nikes I had gotten from my dad as a pre-birthday gift.

"You got your phone ??" Haillie cried, I turned toward her.

"Yes, babysitter. I got my phone ..." I said and walked out the door.

"Grumpy-Ass ..." Haillie muttered behind me, I didn't bother turning around and didn't care say anything back.

They didn't know anything ... I had either way gotten in damn much trouble if I said anything. Besides, at this point I'm just sick of everything that has to do with girls ... Why? Because, my buddy Jake saw Jen, my girlfriend, kissing some dude on the street. He took a picture with his phone and showed it to me, holy shit... Fucking bitch, dumped her. I picked up my phone and dialed the number for Jake while I sat in the car.

"What's up man?" Said Jake as soon as he answered. "You aigh't?"

"Man, I need something. You joining Big D?" I asked and started up the car.

"Hell yeah man, I'll meet you there! What's the excuse?" The excuse to my parents?

"Dude, You know they at holiday ..."

"Ah, I remember! What about Haillie though? And Angel? By the way man, you promised to set me up with her."

"I tried, but she's with Kyle? Duh. Whatever man, I'll see ya there ..." I said and hung up before I pushed the gas and ran out of the driveway.

Big D was a strip-club, I know I said I was sick of girls, but when it comes to naked girls ?? Who the fuck says no to that! Unless you're gay of course, as my dad. I coughed away the laugh of my little joke and drove into the parking lot to Big D. I pulled the hood over my head, if anyone recognized me here or started saying that I looked like Eminem, I would fucking punch someone... I can't bear that shit right now...

Hadn't I been in a such bad mood I had taken it that I looked like Eminem as a compliment, and played it off by saying 'I Get That a lot' or my personal favorite 'I'm a girl' And believe me, the last causes people to shut up and go away quietly with big eyes! It's damn fun !!

I locked the car behind me and opened the door, my eyes went straight to the strippers dancing on the pole. I walked to the bar as I heard someone shout at me.

"Yo, Matt !!" I turned around and ran into someone who walked behind me.

"Move yo ass, pussy!" IT said acidic and continued to walk past me. FUCK THIS! I've had it bad enough today, and then I have some fucking idiot going at me to add the list! I grabbed the hoodie and turned the person around to me.

"If anyone here's a fucking pussy, it's you. You got one that least ..." I said pissed and looked down on the person. I kept the laughter inside, fuck my dirty-mind ...

"I'm not the only one with a pussy of us two ..." The person said wort back and went even a step further, we stood almost chest against chest. I pulled the persons hood and looked down on a ... what the hell, a girl ?! Hahahaha!

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