Coming out

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______ Matty's POV______

"Aigh't, I'm going to my room. Hey, where's Angel by the way?" I asked and got up from the couch, Mom met my gaze sad.

"She's looking at her birthday gift ... Her apartment, she'll be home soon." She said, I nodded and met the eyes of Taylor.

"You coming with me or you wanna stay here?" I asked, she laughed briefly and stood up.

"I'll come with you ..." She chuckled, dad met her eyes hurt.

"Heeeey, thought you liked listening to my voice, Taylor!" He said, she rolled her eyes.

"Save it for Jessica, she loves it waaaay more!" She winked at mom wondered, well at least they all get along. Mom did a little wink to dad and sat on his lap as we walked out of the room.

"God, not while I'm in here !! Y'all cute and all, but shit!" We heard Rihanna complain as we went up the stairs, Taylor let out a little laugh as I spank her ass. She feinted and ran up the stairs, but stopped at the top.

"Which door again ..?" She asked quietly, I said nothing and walked into my room. She entered the room as I jumped up in my bed, she laughed and settled over me with a sly glance.

"Marshall's a good rapper ..." she murmured and kissed me on the shoulder. It feels a bit strange to say that I was turned on..? "You rap too?" I laughed cocky and turned both of us around so I lay over her instead.

"Wanna hear?" I asked and stood up, she smiled and nodded at me intently. I dragged her out of bed with me, she let out a little laugh when I pulled her close to me. "You'll have to sing for me first ..?" I mumbled and kissed her softly on the lips, she shook her head smiling.

"I suck ..." I laughed short and grabbed her ass.

"Don't mix up blowjob and singing, it won't be pretty ..." I chuckled, she rolled her eyes at me.

"Fucking pervert ..." She chuckled, I shrugged and smiled at her.

"What can I say? Slim Shady is my dad ..." I laughed, she looked at me quizzically.

"Isn't Marshall your dad ..?" I looked at her with wide eyes before I burst out laughing, well THAT was a first!

"Slim Shady' dad's alter-ego, they're the same person..." I chuckled as I kissed her on the forehead, again she rolled her eyes.

"Sorry, but I'm not that kinda person ... Stan? Is that what it's called?" She got a little pink cheeks, I laughed briefly.

"Wow ... Did your mom may have to spell that to ya ..?" I said, damn. I realized only now what I had said and met her eyes apologetically. "Sorry, I didn't thin--" Completely out of the blue, she went up to me in a kiss, she kissed harder and I kissed her back just as hard. I pulled off her sweater and kissed her deeply, I began to kiss down her neck, she moaned softly when I reached the tender spot on her neck.

_______ Jessica's POV______

"Shopping? Last time was 2 years ago, girl !!" Exclaimed Robyn and looked at me with a sad mine.

"I'm sorry, I've just been so busy ..." I replied sad.

"Yeah ?? Hello! Can I have the attention please ??" Marshall laughed briefly, we looked up and met his eyes innocently. "Yeah, can y'all ladies stop talking about fashion and girly stuff while I'm making a rap about a fight? I don't need a random line saying: And I pushed you into the ground, with my Louis Vuitton PURSE!" Robyn burst out laughing and shook her head at him.

"Okay, Marshall ..." she laughed, I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever, I'm gonna go upstairs to check on Matty and Taylor, maybe they're hungry?" I stood up and walked out of the room.

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