Surprise or a murder..?

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"Oh my gooooood !!" Gwen and Christine screamed in unison as I entered the room, they looked at me with a big grin each.

"... What ...?" I asked and walked over to them as Adam came into the room too, Britney stood behind him and looked a little pissed actually ... Heh, what a shock.

"Jessica, come with me. We're going out." He said and took my hand in his, I looked at him quizzically.

"Uhm, no we're not ??" I laughed and pulled my hand to me again, Christine and Gwen turned toward me with wide eyes.

"Yes you are !! He's got a surprise !!!" Cried Gwen, I shushed her smiling, she was almost screaming. "Just go, it's not something like that, with him ..." I turned to Adam with raised eyebrows.

"You got a surprise for me?" He nodded unsure before he smiled.

"Kinda, but I know you'll love it. Come on ..." I looked over at the girls uncertain as he took my hand in his and pulled me after him to the garage in the basement. He showed me his car and I got in, Adam was of course gonna drive.

"Where the heck are we going? I hate surprises ..." I said and looked around in the car as he started it up and ran out.

"Well, I can guarentee you'll love this one ..." he chuckled, what the hell is happening now?

"Yeah, I've heard that a couple of times. For the record; I'm not deaf. Surprisingly ..." I said thoughtfully, Marshall when he hears the word cupcakes, that's all I have to say...


"How far are you taking me ?? We're outside LA in an empty parkinglot, surrounded by forest! ... Are you planning on killing me because I didn't like the voice of that girl ..?" I asked critical as he stopped the car.

"No, I'm not ... But she was great! Come on !!" I shook my head. "Jesus, you're so stubborn ...

"The hell did you expect ..." I giggled and looked at the parking lot, there was some person at the end of the parking lot, the person was standing in a shadow with his back to us ... "I really got a bad feeling about this..." I said, pointing at the person, Adam looked where I pointed. "One lonely person ... Adam, take me home, I'm pissing myself. I'm serious, you're freaking me out ..."

"Don't be scared ..." He chuckled.

"That's exactly what a scary-ass clown killer would say ..." I raised my eyebrows at him. "If you won't drive me back, I'll walk." I said, and opened the car door and slammed it shut behind me, I looked quickly away to the shade. It reacted to the sound of that, me slamming the door, so much for being quiet and avoid getting killed ... Adam rolled down the window, I turned toward him.

"Just for the record, the fastest way back is through the forest. There's a trail over there, oh! Just by that person, actually." He said, before I could say anything else, he rolled up the window and drove away. I looked for him with big eyes. He's not leaving me here ?! HE WON'T JUST DRIVE FROM ME !? I haven't got a fucking clue where I am?! What the hell ?! WHAT FUCKING JOKE IS THIS ?!

Okay, ehrm. Remember what you know, if it's a guy and he tries something, kick him in the balls ... If it's a girl ... I'd either way.

I gathered courage and walked over to the person, I pulled the hood over my head and looked down at the ground as I passed him, I stopped beside him. My eyes caught his shoes ... Too big jeans ... Hoodie ... I looked up and rolled my eyes at myself as he turned his back to me, I can't fucking think of anyone else...


SAY SOMETHING JESSICA! You can't just stand here and look at what he's wearing, by the way I found out that it's a man, and not say anything ?!

"Uhm, do you know the way back to the city ..?" I asked, looking down on the ground again, his shoes told me that he turned to me again. "I'm kinda lost and don't know the area ..."

"Well, then you better notice your surroundings a little better ..." I got big eyes. "I mean, we both can agree that we got a hell of a view here ... At least when someone looks up from their little hiding place of course ..." I looked up at him with big eyes and jumped backwards.

"M --- M --- OH MY GOD !!" I threw myself around his neck. "I was so fucking scared, and then I was so fucking happy and then I got scared and --- I THOUGHT ADAM WAS GONNA KILL ME !! THEN I THOUGHT THE CREEPY DUDE AT THE END OF THE PARKINGLOT WAS GONNA KILL ME !! THEN I ALMOST CRAPPED MY PANTS WALKING PAST YOU AND THEN ----"

"You're wabbling again, relax ..." Marshall said and smiled at me easy. "I got this idea when I called Adam to tell I was outside. He told me to do something special for you ..." I smiled at him. "So here I fucking am, tell me if I'm doing anything wrong." He laughed.

"Just you being here makes everything right, god I've missed you!" I said, and pulled him against me, I'm quite surprised that he actually hasn't kissed me yet ... I dropped the hug and looked into his eyes. "How come you haven't kissed me yet ..?" He raised his shoulders.

"I wanna make this special, come here ..." he said and took my hand in his.

"Okay, you're scaring me ... Where's Marshall and what did you do to him ??" He rolled his eyes and followed me into the woods. Okay, I'm definitely scared now ... "I'm scared, where are we going--"

"Would you just calm your fucking tits for one second, I'm trying really hard not to fuck you in the middle of a damn forest, aigh't?" He exclaimed with a smile.

"I found my Marshmellow!" He dropped my hand and turned to me.

"I'm this close of doing you right here, this fucking close. Just shhhhhh ... Okay, Jellybean?" I laughed and nodded. "Great, now come on ..." He took my hand and followed me deeper into the woods, while I walked behind him, I looked at him admirable.

God, how I've missed him ... I looked at the blonde back of his head with a smile while I followed. My Marshall is here ...

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