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"Can we visit Matt?" Asked Taylor while she put on her shoes, I met her eyes and shook my head.

"You can go, but me and Marshall need to talk. We'll be right there okay?" I said and smiled at her, she nodded and walked out as Marshall came shuffling down the stairs.

I met his gaze when I turned towards him, his eyes were blank and he looked disappointed. Good, he should fucking be too ...

"Can someone just kill me, I'm not joking..." He said tired and collapsed on the sofa.

"You sober now?" I asked hard.

"For Good. I promise!" He mumbled into the pillow.

"... How did you get out of the handcuffs ..?" He met my gaze.

"Told Ya ... I learned to break out of them at the 'You Don't Know' shooting ... Ugh, I'm sorry ..."

"... I'm fine, just do ---"

DING! DONG! I walked over to the door and opened it up, I got big eyes when I saw it was a police officer.

"Jessica Mathers?" He asked, I nodded, he held out his hand. "Officer Andersson." I took his hand and greeted him properly with a good grip.

"Come in ..." He said thanks and walked in, he met the eyes of Marshall as he jumped up from the couch.

"What up, Andersson !!" He cried, I got a quizzical glance.

"Marshall, nice to see you in something else than handcuffs ..?" He laughed and they shook hands smiling, well ... Everyone except Marshall, plot wist or what?

"Jessica, this an officer I met when I waved a loaded gun at ---"

"Yeah, I know the story. Stupid." I laughed, the police officer cleared his throat loudly.

"Taylor Caine, she lives here right?" He asked, we nodded. "Okay, we've had a tip and pictures that indicates that your son wasn't the only one who got marked for life that evening ..." We looked at him with big eyes.

"What you mean?" Marshall asked quickly, Andersson met my gaze.

"Based on the anonymous tips and the pictures, we have reason to believe that she was raped that evening."

I got big eyes and felt nauseated, 16 years old!!! Raped !?

"WHAT?" Marshall exclaimed. "THEN FUCKING FIND THEM !! PUT THEM IN BARS !!" I couldn't even move, I was completely numb with shock.

"We need Taylor to describe them first, she's our only witness and sadly also the victim. Is she here?" Marshall shook his head as Angel came walking down the stairs quietly.

"She's at the hospital ... Get your ass in the car, we going there right away." Said Marshall and we all walked out to the SUV, Andersson took the police car of course. Angel sat in the backseat of the SUV.

God, my little girl ... Holy shit, I'm gonna kill the bastards ...

"I'm gonna kill those motherfucking son of a bitches ..." Marshall said with clenched teeth. "Nobody rapes my damn kids ..."

"I'll fucking join you ..." I said back and thanked God that Andersson wasn't with us right now.

"Me too." That was the first we had heard from Angel on some days, and we had never heard her more targeted.


"Taylor Caine?" Asked Andersson Taylor as she walked out of room 69, she looked up at him questioningly.

"Yeah?" She said, Andersson stretched his hand out to her, she took it in her quickly. She looked behind him at us, I held the hands of Angel and Marshall and everyone looked at Taylor with a sad, compassionate gaze.

"Matthew wasn't the only one who was market for life that night, was he?" He asked bluntly, Taylor looked up at him with big eyes.

"W-What do you mean?" She stammered. I gave Marshall a sad look, he stroked his thumb over my hand to calm himself and me down.

"Did you get raped?" He asked, then it came. Her tears flowed as cascades down her cheeks. Angel let go of my hand and ran to her, put her arms around her protective. Ntaw ...

Marshall dropped my hand and pulled himself in her hair.



Taylor burst through the door with us straight behind her.

"MATT !!" She screamed, Matthew howled with pain and got big eyes when she entered.

"IT FUCKING HURTS !!!" He screamed, I got tears in my eyes. HE WAS HURTING!! Doctors came running into the room.

"The fuck is going on !?" Marshall howled angry.

"GET THE FUCK OFF ME !!! IT FUCKING HURTS !!!!" Matty screamed as doctors came to him with syringes.

"We know it hurts, you're not supposed to be awake. We're going to put you in a com ---"


"Matt, they're trying to help!" Taylor said and sat down next to him with tears in her eyes.

"How the fuck can this happened? !!" Screamed Marshall. "IF HE IN'T SUPPOSED TO BE AWAKE, WHY THE FUCK IS HE AND WHY THE FUCK IS HE HURTING !!!"

"Calm down, Mr. Mathers. He's hurting because he's not supposed to wake up from coma yet, but this is a good sign. It means he'll survive."


"Calm dow--"


"Shhhh, Matt. I'm here ..." Taylor said with big eyes. He tightened all his muscles to keep the pain at bay, it killed me inside to see him like this!

"I--- AAAAAAAGH !!!" He exhaled and met the eyes of Taylor with clenched teeth as sweat ran down over his body. "Did they touch you ..." he said through clenched teeth, she got tears in her eyes. "AAAAAAAAGH !!!" He howled in pain once again. "I'MMA FUCKING KILL THOSE FUCKEeeeers ..!" He was calmer in his eyes as soon as he got the syringe and looked at all of us.

"We're gonna be here when you wake up, don't worry, baby ..." I said tearfully, Marshall gave Matty a thumbs up quickly and kissed me on the cheek.

"I love you, Matt. Okay?" She said, Matty nodded and got progressively heavier and heavier eyelids.

"I...." He yawned loudly. "I love you more ... Taylor ...." Then he fell asleep.

We Are Family #3 (English)Where stories live. Discover now