Did you know...

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The rest of the day we mostly spent on the beach or in the water ... Still in our underwear! Marshall, as grown-up as he was, constantly tried to take off my bra while he was trying to soak me in water as soon as possible.

"Marshall, I swear to God !!!" I screamed and ran out of the water with him right behind. "DON'T YOU DARE !!" I said and stopped, my gaze went over to the woods and got big eyes. Marshall slung his wet arms around me from behind.

"Why'd you stop? You give up?" He whispered with a smile.

"No ..." I said and looked at the trees. "I feel old." He let go around me and laughed.

"You feel old ??" He repeated, laughing, I turned toward him and pointed at the trees behind me.

"Those trees were not that big the last time we were here!" I said, Marshall chuckled and looked at me with a big grin, he definitely had something to say back ... I sighed loudly. "Just say it ..."

"Your boobs weren't that big the last time we were here, but you don't see me complaining?" I raised my eyebrows at him and shook my head.

"Okay. Your dick weren't this big the last time we were here, I feel old!"

"HEEEEEEEEY !!" He exclaimed and took a firm grip on his crotch, chill your vajajay, he's still wearing boxers ... "You little bitch, say one more fucking thing about my dick and I'll ..." He looked around and sighed loudly. "It wouldn't be a threat to fuck you would it ..." I laughed and shook my head.

"Nope, and if you say you won't fuck me, you'll get blue-balls by the end of the day. Which is in 2 hours."

"... I hate that you know me so damn well ..." He said as I heard a ringing tone from his pants on the beach, but it wasn't mine! Marshall put his arms around me smiling.

"Your phone is ---"  He got big eyes and ran to his phone, pulled it out of his pocket and put it on speaker.

"ARE THEY HAVING A PARTY !?" He screamed, I shushed him strictly and made a sour glance to him.

"What? No! BUT DAD !!! WE FOUND A DOG !!" Said Angel with a high wispy voice.

"A dog ??" I exclaimed as I stood beside him.


"Hold on a minute!" Marshall exclaimed. "You found a dog?"

"A LITTLE PUPPY !! MATTY SAYS IT'S A LABRADOR RETRIEVER!" I looked at Marshall as his facial expressions changed to a sad one, he swallowed hard and shook his head.

"Angel, the dog's probably someone else's! Hang up 'Dog Found' posters and a number to one of my security guards, aigh't?"

"But Da-"-

"No, Angel!" He said strictly, I got big eyes. He was never so strict with Angel?

"Yes ..." Angel said, she was clearly shocked too of how Marshall spoke to her.

"Good, now hand the phone over to Haillie ..."

"She has it on speaker dad, I heard you. I'll make sure they does it ... I told You he wouldn't like it!" Haillie said as Marshall hung up, he threw the phone down on his pants again and looked down at the ground.

"Marshall?" He looked up and met my gaze. "What's wrong?" He sighed and took my hand in his as he began to walk across the beach toward the house.

"Have I ever told you that I had a dog once ..." He said quietly and met my gaze, I shook my head. "Well, I had ... She was a golden Labrador Retriever named Spiney ... Haillie came up with the name. I had her since she was a puppy, she was my one of my best friends. I really loved her, everywhere I went, she followed. When she was 5, I was walking her as usual, she saw a ball at the other side of the road and ran to get it. She didn't usually do that, she wasn't on a leash that day, so she ran over to get the ball, I tried to call for her..." He coughed briefly and stopped in front of the door to the house. "She got the ball and was to run back to me, but she got hit by a car ... She was whining and crying as I lifted her up and carried her to the nearest vet, she was put directly to surgery, she had broken her left leg and one rib ..." He met my gaze with pain in his eyes. "She didn't survive the surgery ..."

"Oh Marshall ..." I said choked and pulled him towards me in a hug. "I understand... I didn't know ..."

"It's okay, it's a long time ago ..." He coughed loudly and breathed loud once before releasing the hug and met my gaze. "Let's not talk about that! HOOOLLLAAAHH !!!!" He shouted and tore my bra off, I covered myself quickly and looked up at him. "Damn, that's some big boobs ..." He said.

"You wanna play, sucka!" I said and pulled off his boxers quickly, he kicked it away before he pulled me against him to cover himself up as he looked into my eyes. "Woops, you're naked ..." I said wondered, he raised his eyebrows at me while he brought his hands down my waist to my panties. He tore off the sides and pulled it off me easily.

"Woops, so are you ..." He said and lifted me up in his arms, he kicked the door open gently and entered. "A little less majestic then last time, but fuck it ..." He said and tossed me in the bed.

We Are Family #3 (English)Where stories live. Discover now