Save me

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I looked down at the ring with tears in my eyes, no ... No, please!

"Oh my god ..." I squealed and picked up his ring, he hated me! HE THOUGHT I WAS WITH JOSH !!

I let go of his hand and fell down in tears.

"Hey, Jessi ..." Josh said and stroked my back quietly.

"Don't call me that!" I screamed and took his ring in my hand, staring at the ring and then up again. 

"Come on, Jessica ... Let's get you inside ..." he said and lifted me up, I pushed his hands away.

"LET GO OF ME !!!" I yelled through tears, I heard a car door opened a little further away but didn't think more of it until Josh took my hands in his again.

"You're gonna wake up whole Detroit with your screaming, come on!" He said and pulled me after him, I squirmed away from his grip.

"No !! Marshall thought I was back together with you !!! That's why he was so pissed !! YOU DID THIS !!" I screamed and pushed him away. "I hate you !!" I screamed and was about to run away when Josh pulled me to him again.

"Jessica, come on--"

"Let her fucking go, man ?? She don't want you to touch her, aigh't ??" I looked up at him, he tightened his jaw in rage and his cheeks were wet with tears, but it wasn't Marshall.

"Get the fuck away from her, Jason. She wants--"

"You don't know what she wants, and to be honest, man ... I really doubt it's you." He said and took my hand in his protective, I sobbed into his shoulder.

"I've been chasing here for 22 years !! I deserves HER!!" Said Josh, staring hard at Jason.

"SHE ISN'T A GODDAMN TROPHY !! She's the pray in that case! Stop the chasing, she don't want to be catched by you. GO, Josh. Leave it." He said and hugged me protective, Josh sent me one last look before he stomped on down the street, I sobbed even more. "Oh Jessica ..."

"You know what's happened?" I asked through tears, he sighed loudly and nodded.

"Yeah, Marshall called and asked if I was with you ... When I said no he said he was going to drive out and look for you one more time ..."

"Oh God!" I burst into tears once again.

"What?" He said comforting, I hugged him harder.

"He found me ... Hand in hand with Josh ..." I Spat out and was crying like crazy.

"Oh, don't tell me he ..." I opened my hand and he let him see his ring. "Oh man ..." He looked down at my hand once again. "Where's yours?"

"He's got it ... He's probably trashed it at this point ..." I sobbed hard into his shoulder, he let go and pushed me gently away as I looked into his eyes.

"Hey, you guys have been together for 22 years, Jessica. You've got two kids together! He probably got your ring in his hand just as you have his, you guys love each other ..."

"NOW he does.I'm not a trophy? He thought so! I was a goddamn thing in Marshall's eyes in the beginning! I was supposed to be the 'THING' that would make him get over KIM !! HE'S BEEN LYING TO ME FOR THE WHOLE TIME WE'VE BEEN TOGETHER !! THOSE FEELINGS I GOT FROM HIM WAS ALL BASED ON LIES !! HE DOESN'T LOVE ME! NOT ENOUGH TO TELL ME THE TRUTH HIMSELF! INSTEAD, THE GUY I TRUST THE LEAST, CALLS ME UP AND TELLS ME THE TRUTH ABOUT THE MAN WHO 'NEVER LIED TO ME'!" Jason looked at me dumbfounded. "He'll get over me, find some other slut to get over me as he did with Kim. I fucking HATE him !!"

"Jessica, LOOK AT ME." He forced me to meet his gaze. "When he phoned me up, I wasn't even sure it was him! I didn't fucking recognise his VOICE! He was crying and sobbing, TALKING TO himself and screaming at A FUCKING plant!" I stared at him through tears. "He's not himself and he loves you that much that he literally turns INSANE without you. Even worse, his own daughter looks so much like her mother, that he can't stand to look at her, it tears him apart to look into, and I quote: I can't stand it, looking into her warm, brown eyes ... It's like looking at an angel, my fucking angel! Then he started to blame himself, and calling himself the devil ..." He looked deeply into my eyes."Give him a chance to explain himself, give him a chance to show you how much he really cares for you ..."

I knew that if Marshall talked to himself, he was exhausted, mentally and physically exhausted. And, he was talking to himself ... and yelled at a plant ..? He had a short fuse, too, he wasn't only a danger to himself, he was a danger to everyone around him and those who were around him now ... Was Matty and Angel.

"I'm going back home ..." I said quietly and wiped my tears.

"Great!" He said smiling, I met his gaze.

"Not for him, for the kids." I said sternly.

"Great, at least you're going home." He said, patting me on the back smiling before he hugged me again. "Hi, by the way ..." He chuckled, I smiled in the hug.

"Hi ..." I sniffled in a chuckle.

We Are Family #3 (English)Where stories live. Discover now