Chapter 36 Hard to Understand

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Chapters 36  Hard to Understand

The next morning was freezing cold a bitter wind had shown up during the night leaving the windows white with ice and snow! It was of course another day of classes and this day they would be spending two classes out in the cold. Lily didn’t think she’d ever warm up from this and was more willing to stay in bed. Lily pulled her blankets up over her head trying to keep as much warmth in with her as possible.

“Hey Lily, we have to go now. You’ll miss breakfast if you keep hiding under there.”

“At least I’ll stay warm Mary it’s like ice out there.” Lily told her as she peek her face out from the covers.

Mary laughed, “It is ice out there.” Mary walked to the door to leave the room. “I’ll see you down there if you can muster the energy to get out of bed.”

Lily lay for a while in her warm bed; she knew though that if she was to brace the chilling cold winds and snow outside she’d do better with hot food inside. Lily reluctantly made her way out of bed and dressed.

Lily said her usual good mornings to the pictures as she walked down stairs to the Great Hall.

Lily looked around the Great Hall then looked up and down the Gryffindor table; James was wedged between Sirius and Lupin with Peter across from them. Besides him were other boys they all seemed to be talking fast at once.

Lily buried the feelings of pain at the sight of James showing no interest in her showing up or saving a place next to him. Lily did get to wonder what was going on with the boys.  Lily looked though the girls were all talking quickly and it wasn’t just the Gryffindor table but all four-house tables were in full throttle gossip.

Lily sat down near the end of the table listening to what others were saying, so as to be up to speed on the gossip around here.

“I can’t believe he did this.”

“I want to know who would with him?”

“It seems so weird that he’d deny it, when the baby has his eyes.”

“I know who else has those black eyes around here.”

That was all people seemed to be talking about. Lily chances a look at Snape across the hall. Snape looked as though he might murder the next person who talks to him.

Snape turned to glare at a boy passing by. Lily was stunned when he yelled since he was usually so quiet.


Snape had stood up and stormed out without finishing his meal, he glared at everyone who looked at him.

Lily looked scared; it was her fault for showing off the picture of their child that Snape had no knowledge of.

Lily stood up and waved her hand frantically for attention. She hoped this would take the heat off of Severus and stop the talking.

“Hello people get over it, the baby belongs to a friend of mine from the States; it’s not a big deal so stop making it one!” Lily sat back down and pulled some hot oatmeal toward her. Lily sprinkled a bit of brown sugar on the oatmeal before digging in to it.

The others were all watching her eating as though nothing more had happen then someone spilling some sugar off the table.

After the table was almost completely empty of food and the kids all leaving for their morning classes, Professor McGonagall bustled over to where Lily was sitting.

“Lily dear, Professor Dumbledore would like to see you in his office, if you could please head there now.”

Professor McGonagall walked off toward the halls and to her class.

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