Chapter 126

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Chapter 126

It was not long before the end of the year exams came up and the fifth years were going to be sitting their O.W.L.S, while the seventh years were sitting their N.E.W.T.S. Snape wondered briefly how Harry would do in potions since he wanted he had heard from McGonagall and of course Delores to be a Auror or in other words a Dark Wizard catcher, it was he found ironic that it was the same thing his parents had done after they had left school. Snape had thought of it himself since Lily had suggested it and had wondered if she would still be alive had he joined her in that instead of becoming a Death Eater and a spy, which was minimal pay from a source no one questioned the Dark Lord on, he knew he was making a better living as a teacher and had enjoyed it for the last fifteen years, and wondered again what it would have been like had Lily taken up a job as teacher, she would most likely be the potion teacher instead of him since she excelled at it. Snape looked over the papers for his forth term class, they had done reasonably well on their exams for the practical and the written which had been scheduled before the O.W.L.S, had taken placed. Snape was glad to finish marking the last one, which he noticed, was Ginny, she had he figured earned an A for the written exam. Snape put the scrolls away as he sighed with relief to be done with the papers and headed up to the Great Hall, for some food. He knew the examiners were to show up soon. Snape walked to the staff table to sit next to Professor Flitwick who was eating happily. Snape sat down the two started to make small talk.

Snape grinned as Umbridge was looking extremely worried as the examiners had shown up and were talking with her while looking around the Great Hall, Snape felt sure he knew what they were discussing, they wanted to know the where about of Dumbledore.

“Looks like Umbridge is in trouble again,” Snape muttered to Flitwick who chuckled squeakily in happiness.

“I hope they give her hell for being here too.” Flitwick told him with a large grin on his face.

“Yes it will prove most entertaining,”

”Like the hell she had gotten from Montague’s parents. That was classic,” He chuckled happily.

“I shall never forget the look of horror on her fa…t… face when they threaten her with bodily harm and to have her left with a flesh eating slug,”

”I almost split a seam from laughing so hard over that one.”

The other teachers who were all very happy to abuse her verbally soon joined them.

The O.W.L.S had started and Snape was quite interested in knowing how Harry and his friends were going on with them. Snape was not surprised when he heard that they had done well with Charms, and Transfigurations, he was pleased to learn that Harry had even done remarkably with Defense Against the Dark Arts, which he was told by Professor Tofty that he was given bonus points for producing an excellent Patronus for him. Snape smiled at the elderly man who seemed to be thrilled to have given Harry practical exams and was thrilled to watch him.

Snape knew on Monday it was going to make or break him for his ambition to become an Auror, he did wonder if Harry knew that both his parents were Aurors and that Lily was one of the best of the class, making the teachers very proud and had joined the Order of the Phoenix as soon as she was out of school. Snape figured he had known from Sirius and Lupin, who would have been glad to brag about his parents too him.

Come Monday Harry was to sit for his written and then the practical, he wanted to go and watched but figured against it since he knew his presence would make him more nervous and that he would fail then, he did deep inside where he would never admit it want to see Harry succeed in his plans to follow his mothers foot steps.

Snape went to the staff room to find out about the exam from McGonagall since she was his head of house she would know sooner then others. Snape found her talking with Sprout who was excitably talking about how well Neville was doing with Herbology.

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