chapter 95 Lockhart removed

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Chapter 95 Lockhart removed

Snape was sitting in the teachers lounge while Lockhart blathered on about how he was the sole one to know that Hagrid was the one to have been opening the Chamber of Secrets and he couldn’t see why they had yet to send Dumbledore back with the Chamber no longer able to be opened now.

“I should send an owl to the Governors telling them about my correct certainty on the Hagrid issue, and of course let them know that I shall be glad to fulfill his shoes as it were as Headmaster.” Lockhart looked around impressively at the others.

“I don’t think that’ll be necessary for you to do Lockhart, Dumbledore will be back with us soon enough.” McGonagall growled at him as she looked at him with great dislike, her eyes knitted together.  “Besides the point that I am deputy headmistress and I am in charge while Albus is absent.”

Lockhart just laughed airily at her as he turned his attention to Pomona Sprout who looked as though she wanted nothing more then to tie him up with Devils Snare.

“I saw that you had procured for the students a new plant it looked familiar, something like Poobumis see or grumbellies.”

Sprout glared at him, “Not even close, it’s called Hummimminty, a very spe—”

Sprout was cut off by Lockhart who started in about the plant and all he knew about it.

“Yes quite a dangerous plant very evil in my opinion always shooting out venomous fluids at passersby and when it’s not doing that it’ll try to bite and rip out large chunks of skin of any wizard, or even poor hapless Muggle who gets near it why I remember in my travels a poor bloke who had half his face chewed off before I was able to save him from this extraordinary plant, I must say I was surprise to see that you had bought such a plant, why I wouldn’t even begin to introduce a plant of that nature to school children even the seventh year students who maybe a bit older and able to tackle the plant under careful supervision but even than the danger to life and limb, but I shall be most happy to take time from my very busy schedule to help you with the plants to assure the students safety.” Lockhart was smiling brightly not even noticing the looks of anger and disgust he was receiving from the other teachers.

It was about twenty minutes of listening to Lockhart rant on about the plant he quite clearly knew nothing about. Sprout finally found a chance to speak up.

“Not even close Professor Lockhart, the plant is for making a Apologize Potion, when you want to tell someone how sorry you are you are able to use this potion to find the right words so as to tell them how you truly feel, it’s very harmless and a friendly plant it enjoys the touch of humans hands on it.” Sprout told him tartly.

Lockhart’s smile flickered for a moment before it was back in place, “Of course I knew that I was just testing you to see if you knew exactly what you had there.” Lockhart chuckled happily. Sprout looked murderously at him.

Snape felt a sickening him self as he stood up and with a curt nod to McGonagall and Sprout he left the teachers lounge. Lockhart went back into his raving about all he knew about these plants instead. Sprout a normally kind woman was mumbling under her breath “I will not kill him I will not kill him,”

Snape heard her grumbling words and thought it would be kinder to all if she did kill him. He and the rest of the teachers would help her hide the body.

It was a few days after this that Snape was sitting in the Great Hall with all the other teachers when McGonagall stood up to talk with the students.

He was glad to know that something good was going to happen.

Snape knew he would be very busy tonight making the draught to awake the students who were all petrified, he looked forward to making it, it was something he enjoyed doing and knew it was for a good cause and was helping many people including a ghost. That was still puzzling others on how it had affected a ghost.

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