Chapter One

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Lets see how this one goes!


Weak streaks of sunlight shining through the bedroom window alerted Louis to wake up. As his mind started coming back into consciousness, little whimpers seeped to his brain.

He slowly cracked open his eyes.

And there was an Alpha smiling down at him.

Louis sat up quickly, screaming at the same time, knowing that he should scramble away but he was frozen in shock and fear.

"Hi, pretty Omega," the Alpha smirked.

That spurred Louis on to kick out, but the Alpha grabbed his ankle, squeezing the fragile bone harshly.

"One lucky bastard will be getting you. Wish I could have you all to myself."

Louis tried to resist, but he was too weak compared to the bulky man when he grabbed Louis' shirt and yanked him forward, holding him roughly around the waist.

"I'm sure they won't be too annoyed if I got the first taste," he growled.

Louis frantically tried to smack away the Alpha's roving hands as he looked around for Niall, tears blurring his vision and a lump in his throat making it hard to breathe.

When his eyes finally found Niall it triggered another scream.

His fellow Omega was lying awkwardly on the ground, unconscious which Louis could only guess was from the bleeding wound on his temple, with another Alpha kneeling between his spread legs, fiddling with the button and zipper of his jeans.

Another Alpha from the government.

Now Louis couldn't stop screaming and thrashing about. He couldn't take his eyes off Niall's lifeless body.

"Feisty little thing, you are," the Alpha chuckled, yanking Louis up from the bed. "It's always better when they're feisty."

"No!" Louis screamed, struggling. Even the whine of an Omega who was in danger was falling from his lips.

"I want the Omega," a rough voice suddenly growled from the doorway.

The triplets haven't been introduced yet! Don't freak out!

50 reads and 20 votes to update again?

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now