Chapter Seven

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Louis veered in the direction of that head as the other pale Omega ran towards him as well.

An Alpha stepped out behind Niall and tried to grab Louis, but Louis just screamed with wild, wide eyes and ducked under his arms, running into Niall's instead.

The Omega's clung to each other, fingers grasping each other's shirts. When hands clamped onto Louis' waist and tried to pull him away from his friend, Louis resulted to staying with Niall the only way he knew how.

By climbing up him and wrapping himself, literally, around Niall.

"Liam, get off him," Niall warned, turning his back to this new Alpha and batting away his hands, not letting him get to his little Lou.

But still, Liam persisted. He could see the triplets running up to them and knew that they wanted Louis.

"Fuck off!" Niall screamed, effectively making Liam take a step back and giving Niall some time to help the Omega, who Niall realised was having a panic attack.

Niall tried to set the boy down on the ground, but Louis frantically shook his head and screamed nonsensically, clinging tighter to Niall.

Niall decided that the best way to calm down Louis was to wrap his arms tightly around him and massage his head, playing with his hair.

"Hey, Louis," Niall cooed, smiling down at the boy who, even though was breathing frantically, still looked up at him with wild eyes. "You're okay now." He patted Louis' bare thighs comfortingly.

Louis shook his head violently, burying his face in Niall's neck. The already possessive growl behind Niall didn't help Louis, reverting him back to his whimpering.

"Lou, it's okay. I've met a couple of the Alphas, they're okay."

Louis looked up dubiously but set his feet back on the ground when Niall lowered him. Niall turned them around to look at the four Alphas.

"Lou, that one's my Mate," Niall smiled, pointing at the odd-one-out.

Louis clung tighter to Niall's hand.

"And the triplets helped you last night, remember?"

Louis looked at the triplets then buried his face in Niall's arm.

"You going to introduce yourself?"

Louis shook his head with a whimper.

"You trust me, right Lou?"

Louis pulled away from Niall's arm and looked up into his eyes. "Yeah," he croaked, tears glistening on his cheeks.

"So, introduce yourself," Niall encouraged, nudging his arm with a grin.

Louis took a step forward, pulling Niall along with him, then tentatively raised an arm. He looked over his shoulder for Niall's nod before saying to the first Alpha, "I'm Louis."

The Alpha smirked and shook Louis' shaking hand. "I'm Edward, pint-size."

Louis quickly pulled his hand away when he felt a little spark and stepped sideways to the next one, not wanting to give that electric current any thought. He couldn't help but smile endearingly up at the adorable Alpha, his green eyes looking nervous behind his big glasses.

Before he could introduce himself, the Alpha spoke up with a soft, "Marcel, princess," before bending forward to give Louis a kiss on the cheek, his glasses slipping down his nose to meet Louis' cheek.

Louis blushed and moved onto the next, who was definitely the triplet who radiated the most power, tattoos littered across his arms. From this close they were meaningless to Louis, but he couldn't wait to find out what they meant.

"Harry, kitten," he introduced.

Louis nodded. He was about to step sideways again to the next Alpha, then realised who it was and gave him a glare instead, stepping back into Niall's arms.

"There, that wasn't so bad, was it?" Niall giggled watching his Alpha's face fall like he was a kicked puppy. He hugged Louis tightly anyway, receiving a pinch in the arm from the other Omega.

From here Louis could see some differences in the triplets. Harry's hair was longer and he was slightly taller than his siblings. He was definitely the leader of the three. Marcel was thinner than his brothers, however had brighter green eyes. Louis couldn't figure out what part he played in the ensemble yet. Then, there was Edward. He was definitely more muscular than the other two. His eyes were dull, obviously seeing enough horrible happenings that there wasn't a glint of life behind them, his hair was the same length as Marcel's and he had a permanent scowl on his face. He was definitely the fighter, the warrior, out of the three, and not just from his wide, dominating stance, but also from the various little nicks and scars dotting his face.

The blood dried around his nose also helped that image.

Then, there was baby faced Liam who didn't appeal to Louis at all. Niall could have him.

"Okay, Louis, let's get you cleaned up," Niall announced.

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now