Chapter Thirteen

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I'm so sorry that I'm only getting this up now! I was off for two weeks and I stupidly only started revising this week! My mock exams are not this week but the following week and I know practically nothing! My Irish history teacher is really, really bad so I literally have no idea what's happening - and my tutor is getting back surgery, so I can't see him at the moment! 

Out of curiosity, how many of you are from down south or up north? Ireland or Northern Ireland?


When Louis got home, he was changed and out the door in record time for his date. He felt giddy and had butterflies in his tummy every time he thought about it.

With Harry driving and Edward in the passenger seat, Louis was allowed to lean against Marcel's arm in the backseat. He hadn't been told where he was going, so he watched the scenery around him, blurring past him.

When Harry finally parked the car, Louis eagerly jumped out and stood patiently in front of the restaurant for the Alphas to join him.

Harry tangled their fingers together and led him into the restaurant, his brothers bringing up the rear. The triplets already had reservations and were taken to a table, ordering their drinks. Louis had no idea what any of the food on the menu was, so the triplets agreed that they'd each give him a small portion of their food. Louis declined, guilty, but the Alphas persisted and showed their dimples. How could he resist then?

They sat in comfortable silence for their food, the triplets amused by Louis' curiosity as he studied everything in the room in silence, taking everything in.

When Edward noticed the waiter come back with their orders, he set his hand on Louis' thigh and squeezed possessively, making Louis jump at the suddenness. The Alpha had saw how the waiter had looked at his Omega and was going to show that he was going to be Louis' Alpha.

Louis squeaked as Edward moved his hand back and forth on his thigh, the palm and fingers continually moving further up until they brushed against the crease connecting his thigh and pelvis.

When the waiter finally arrived, he brushed a finger over Louis' crotch, pulling an unintentional moan from the Omega. The waiter looked up, surprised at the noise. He glared at the triplets before quickly dropping their food and scurrying off.

Edward made sure to keep his hand securely on that crease the whole dinner.


The four were slightly tipsy as they grinded against each other in the club after dinner. Edward had asked politely, more like begged and pleaded, for them to go to a club, Louis finding out that this was his favourite thing to do for a night out.

So, here the four boys were, enjoying themselves in the middle of the club, people dancing around them. Edward was standing behind the Omega, an arm wrapped around his waist and grinding against Louis' plump backside. Harry was standing in front of him, grinding against his front so their crotches rubbed deliciously against each other, an arm wrapped around Louis so he could fist Edward's shirt, his other hand curled around Louis' hip. To the side, Marcel had cupped Louis' face and turned his head, so he could kiss the Omega languidly. Louis realised very quickly that, the more Marcel drank, the more confident he became. The four had silently agreed that they would only have one drink, especially with the triplets shock when they saw how Louis reacted to his first drink, happily kissing Marcel back and eagerly grinding into his brothers.

Louis tripped accidentally, pulling a giggle and an "Oops" from the Omega, the Alphas quickly reaching out and steadying him again. Louis went back to grinding and kissing the Alphas.

Edward moved his hand down to cup Louis' bulge, to give him some extra stability, of course. "Hi, pint-size," he whispered, smirk on his face.

Louis pulled away from Marcel's lips, turning his face into Edward's chest, whining and move his hips firmly into the strong hand cupping him through his new jeans.

"You wearing those panties?"

Louis whined.

"What was that, kitten?" Harry interrupted.

Louis looked up through his half-lidded eyes, nodding with a blush, a small, "Just for you" leaving his mouth on a breath.

Marcel growled and pressed firmly against Louis' side.

"Such a good boy, right Louis?" Edward whispered.

Louis frantically nodded.

Edward chuckled darkly before quickly unbuttoning Louis' trousers and slipping his hand into his jeans. He stroked the lace and silk covering Louis' cock, humming in the Omega's ear as the boy whined and moaned and thrust his hips forward involuntarily.

"Think you could make him cum, Edward?" Harry asked.

Edward accepted the challenge with another smirk and stroked the Omega's cock. "Think you could cum, pint-size?" the Alpha teased.

Louis whined and nodded his head slowly.

"Make a mess of your new panties, princess?" Marcel interjected.

Louis gasped: he couldn't believe his sweet, little Marcel said that.

"Marcel," Edward growled, Louis not realising that he was silently commanding Marcel to do something.

Louis' eyes slipped closed when Edward circled his tip through the panties with his thumb.

However, his eyes widened when he felt a hand slipping under the silk from behind, a hand cupping his backside.

Harry immediately cupped the boy's cheeks as Marcel spread his backside, pressing their open mouths together, Louis whining and gasping into the Alpha's mouth.

When Marcel rubbed the pad of his middle finger over the Omega's leaking hole, Louis froze, a scream escaping into Harry's mouth, grinding his cock into Edward's rough hand.

He immediately went limp, falling into Harry's chest. The triplets cooed to him, saying that he was a good boy and made such a good mess. Louis shakily nodded with a sleepy smile.


As Louis was bundled in the duvet that night, after having been stripped and wiped down with a wet face cloth, in between the Alphas in the master bed whom were just wearing their boxers, the last thing he felt was three kisses on his cheeks and even more compliments from the Alphas before he fell asleep.

So, what did you think?

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now