Chapter Eleven

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Sort of a cutesy chapter


 "So, Louis, kitten, we have to work today, but we were wondering if you'd like to go to Niall and Liam's house?" Harry asked after breakfast.

"Would Liam be there?" Louis responded, getting up from the table and walking over to Marcel who was doing the dishes, picking up a dishcloth and ignoring Marcel when he said that he'd dry the dishes.

"He's working with Edward," Marcel replied, handing over a dripping clean plate to Louis.

"I'll go and keep Niall company then," Louis nodded, drying the white plate.

Marcel chuckled. "You better go and get ready then," shooing the Omega off with a tap on the backside.

Louis giggled, giving Marcel a kiss on the cheek before running off. He quickly pulled on his pair of jeans which the Alphas had found him in and which Marcel had kindly washed and ironed. He pulled on his trainers and ran downstairs again with a smile on his face. He was stopped by Harry coming out of the living-room, asking him if he would like to be escorted to Niall's new home. Louis politely declined before giving him a kiss on the cheek and yelling a "goodbye" to Edward, wherever he was in the house.

He happily skipped to Niall's house, the people doing their daily business watching him, some with a smile on their face and some with a confused look in their eye.

He knocked on the door to the cute townhouse, which he knew Niall would put his own stamp on soon. Niall swung open the door, knowing already that it was Louis with that chirpy knock, and yanked the other Omega into a hug. They greeted each other with giggles.

Niall suddenly pulled away, grabbing Louis' hand and yanking him into the foyer. "I found this amazing cake in Liam's pantry, Louis, you'll love it!" he squealed, dragging Louis into the kitchen and plopping him down in a bar stool around the centre counter.

Louis accepted the cake placed in front of him and hummed, licking his lips, with how good the cake actually tasted. Maybe Liam wasn't so bad?

"So, Lou, how are you liking living with the triplets?" Niall asked, sitting across from Louis and nibbling the piece of cake on his fork, licking the forks when he'd finished and moving onto another piece.

"They're not so bad. They made me breakfast. I punched Edward last night by accident again: nightmares."

"I'm sure those nightmares will go away soon."

"I hope so."

"What are they about?"

"I always forget when I wake up. Probably when you saved me that night, when I was almost snatched for the first time."

"Well, we don't have to worry about that anymore, after all I've found my Mate, and maybe...?" Niall looked up at Louis curiously.

Louis chuckled, pushing his plate away with still a good portion of the cake left on it and dropping his head onto his folded arms. He mumbled something into his forearm, not looking up at Niall.

"What was that?" Niall teased, although knowing exactly what Louis had said.

"I think they're my Mates," Louis mumbled, louder this time.

"I knew it," Niall chuckled with a smile on his face. He dragged Louis' plate over to himself. "Imagine your Heats – "

"Niall!" Louis sat up quickly, shocked at his friend's language.

"Come on, Lou, three Alpha knots – "

"That's enough from you," Louis pouted, grabbing the rim of his plate and yanking it back to him.

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now