Chapter Eighteen

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Sorry that these updates are so irregular - I am so busy with school and everything, but I don't want to put this book on hiatus! ;-)


Louis looked up to see the triplets, stomping towards the two government Alphas, the frozen Omega with tears streaming down his face and the unconscious Omega. Marcel's white doctor coat was flapping behind him in the wind; Harry was scowling with no shirt on, obviously running out of the house as soon as he got word about what was happening; and then there was Edward, blood on his face, probably from helping teach someone how to fight.

The triplets stopped in front of Niall. Marcel immediately kneeled to check him, however still kept an eye on Louis.

Harry tried to reach forward to grab him, but the Alpha holding him stepped back and the other slapped Harry's outstretched hand away.

Edward and Harry growled, prepared and wanting a fight, but Marcel stood and stepped to stand in front of his brothers.

"Why do you have our Omega?" he asked.

"Your Omega?" the Alpha holding Louis smirked. He turned to his friend, "Do you see a Mark, or am I just imagining things?"

They both laughed. The Alpha holding him tightened his arms in his laughter, resulting in Louis whimpering and clawing at his arm.

"Because, son," the Alpha turned back to the triplets, "he is over eighteen and isn't Mated. He's our property."

Louis watched the triplets with tears glistening on his cheeks and a pleading look in his eyes. How could they get out of this one?

Edward growled and snarled. He shoved his brothers out of his way. The second Alpha confronted him, but Edward easily threw him away with a flick of his hand, like a fly. When he finally reached Louis, the Alpha holding him was growling, but Edward ignored him. He grabbed a handful of Louis' hair and tilted his head harshly to the side. Giving Louis one last, emotionless, look in the eye, he leaned forward and sunk his teeth into Louis' throat, Marking him. He licked the droplets of blood, watching the blooming bruise form, before taking a step back and looking up at the Alpha, one hand still in Louis' hair.

"He's my property," he said.

That's how they got out of that one.


Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now