Chapter Five

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My formal is tonight! I have my hair, makeup and nails done - just have to get changed into my dress and go for 7! It is so difficult to type because of my nails, I bite my nails and have never had long nails before!

I like this book so far - am I the only one?


Louis blinked sleepily, lazily raising his fists to scrub at his heavy eyelids. He turned onto his stomach, face smushing into the pillow again, his brain slipping into unconsciousness happily –

A pillow.

He wasn't supposed to have a pillow.

He pushed himself up with his hands at the same time there was a clap of thunder, reminding Louis why he had woken up in the first place.

He whimpered, sitting up and pulling the cover around him.

He didn't remember having a thick duvet either.

Louis' heart thumped when everything came back to him. He didn't know how much time had passed because it was still dark outside. It didn't help that every time he breathed in through his nose, he got a whiff of a strong Alpha stench.

Standing up from the comfy bed, he realised that it was definitely made for Alphas not small Omegas, Louis having to slide off the bed, his feet high off the floor when he sat on the edge.

He definitely didn't own the flannel button-up he was wearing.

The door was open slightly and there was some light from the hall shining in.

He walked down the stairs with the duvet wrapped tightly around his shoulders, the hem trailing after him, bumping each step, like a wedding veil.

All the doors leading from the hall at the bottom of the stairs were open with the lights on. He looked around timidly, but decided on the room from which faint television murmurs were coming from. He walked over to the door and listened shyly, but another clap of thunder spurred him on to push open the door more than the few centimetres it was already.

He took a step in until he noticed the big body sleeping on his stomach on the sofa, face buried in the cushion.

Louis gasped and was going to walk back out again, but there a flash of lightening through the windows, making him whine and whimper. He didn't even care, all he thought about was safety, so he quickly walked over to the Alpha. He couldn't squash in beside him so, in his scared mind, he thought the best approach was to just crawl onto his back, clinging on tightly to the Alpha's shirt with his fingers and hips with his knees after throwing the duvet over them both.

With the reassuring scent from the Alpha, from where his face was buried in the back of the Alpha's neck, perforating his nose and going up to his insecure mind, it wasn't long before he fell asleep.

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now