Chapter Fifty-One *MATURE*

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So, Wattpad has updated again! I don't like it at all!

So sorry for the late update, work is hitting me full smack! I'm off Wednesday and Thursday this week, so hopefully I'll have more updates done by then! If I don't update, seriously message me or comment! Sometimes I forget until I'm in bed ready to go to sleep!


(Niall – 18 weeks pregnant

Louis – 10 weeks pregnant)

The following week, Louis woke up to hips rutting against his backside and an erect cock rubbing between his crack, panties still covering his hole. The Omega groaned and reached a hand under his head, slipping it into the hair of the Alpha.

"Edward?" Louis whispered, knowing that was the Alpha who had probably went into Rut, the two other triplets sleeping in front of him. He chastised himself for not realising beforehand because of Edward's strange behaviour in the restaurant and cinema.

Edward groaned and buried his face in Louis' hair, hips rutting faster.

"Eddie?" Louis whispered again. He peeked over his shoulder and realised that the Alpha was still fast asleep. The Omega sighed and rolled his eyes, going limp and letting Edward continue his grinding until he came with a growl across Louis' back, the Alpha choosing to sleep naked the night before.

Edward's arm tightened around Louis' waist and he did a very adorable, in Louis' opinion, snuffle behind Louis' ear as he began to wake up.

"Eddie, I think – "

Louis didn't even get to finish his sentence, because Edward was suddenly flipping them over so Louis was facing the wall and Edward was between him and the other Alpha's.


Edward growled and pressed Louis tight against the wall, moulding himself around Louis' back.

"What is going on?" Louis heard Marcel mumble sleepily, before another growl reverberated around the room and suddenly Edward was being yanked away from the Omega. Louis didn't even have time to squeal when he was unexpectedly yanked into the middle of the bed, Harry holding him to his side.

Louis looked up, searching for Marcel.

"Louis, you're alright, princess," Marcel promised, as Edward tried to yank Harry away but failing. "Edward must have sparked Harry's Rut. Do you want to help them?"

Louis was moved onto his hands and knees, Edward kneeling in front of him. "I don't think I have much of a choice."

"You always have a choice, princess," Marcel whispered, running a hand through Louis' hair comfortingly, ignoring his possessive, growling brothers.

"Will you stay?" Louis whimpered, his panties being pulled to the side, revealing his fluttering and leaking hole, whilst his head was being brutally yanked up by the hair, lips tracing the head of Edward's cock.

"Of course," Marcel replied.

Louis didn't have time to reply before he was swallowing a cock and Harry thrust into him to the hilt. Louis choked around the cock down his throat, Edward holding his head close so the Omega's nose rubbed against his stomach.

Marcel tried to run his hand through Louis' hair, but Edward bared his teeth at his brother and Harry slapped Marcel's hand away, curving himself over Louis' body to show his claim.

It wasn't long before Harry's knot was plumping and Louis could feel it tugging at his rim. When Harry thrust forward, knot popping, Louis was rocked forward, down on Edward's cock deeper than it had before. Louis' scream around the Alpha's cock spurred Edward to pull away. The Alpha grabbed Louis' chin with one hand, propping the Omega's head up and pulling down his chin simultaneously. Edward grabbed his thick cock with the other hand, set the head against Louis' bottom lip and quickly tugged himself off, forcing Louis to swallow all the streams of cum.

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now