Chapter Forty-Five

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I'm going on a trial run for a job tomorrow. It's to be a waitress/bar staff for the wedding team and maybe the hotel. The interviewer said they never hire people without experience, but he liked my personality. It might not even work out because this is my first job. The trial run is from 12pm-9pm so, if it works out, I'll probably have even less time to write this story. I'm sorry for the lax updates, I just sometimes forget.

One of my favourite chapters.


(Niall – 13 weeks pregnant

Louis - 5 weeks pregnant)

"Get off me, you stupid lump!" Louis screeched, shoving at the arms holding him hostage on the bed. He growled and was finally able to shove the Alpha forbidding him leaving the bed off the bed himself. He jumped off the bed, holding his firm little stomach, and ran into the bathroom, collapsing on his knees in front of the toilet, lifting the lid just in time. He could hear his Alpha's groaning in the bedroom and mentally scoffed: they weren't the ones that felt like they were going to die.

He shakily stood on his legs and turned to the sink to find Marcel already there, holding a glass of water in one hand and a wet flannel in the other. "Tablets could hurt the baby."

Louis scowled at him. "You did this to me." The Omega grabbed the glass and face cloth, walking back into the bedroom to find Edward groggily getting up from the bed and Harry sitting on the floor, wincing as he ran a hand over the bump quickly forming on his forehead. He scowled, sipped the water, handed the glass back to Marcel and grabbed the duvet Edward had wrapped around him.

Before he walked out of the bedroom, slamming the door behind him.

The brothers looked at each other with wide eyes.

"I don't think he's feeling too well," Harry whispered.

Marcel gave him a "I can't believe I'm stuck with you for the rest of my life" look, whilst Edward took the more educational route of just slapping his triplet round the back of the head.

"He was going to spend the day with Niall, but that's not happening," Marcel said.

"Well, last time didn't go too well at the ring, so I'm out," was Edward's reply.

"All I can do is stick him in a room," Marcel tacked on.

"I'll bring him to the office," Harry smiled.


Louis huffed on the sofa in Harry's office, watching his Mate work behind the desk. He wanted to sleep, he truly did, but this damn sofa was so uncomfortable and he had a headache and he wanted a drink and he had a sore back and he felt cold. He scowled again, but Harry couldn't see him from behind the computer.

Louis was close to tears.

He quietly stood from the sofa, wrapping the duvet he still had tightly around him (he had growled at his Alpha's when they tried to take it off him) and clutched the warm face cloth in his hand (he growled when they tried to take that off him as well). Very slowly and very quietly, he slunk over to his Alpha's desk and tried to act invisible as he slipped under Harry's arm and firmly planted himself in his Alpha's lap, snuggling into his chest. He pulled the duvet over himself until only the crown of his head was visible and leaned his head against the hand that was holding the flannel. He finally sighed in content. All he needed was the kiss Harry planted to his hair to be finally out like a light.

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now