Chapter Fifty-Seven

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Okay, I am so sorry for the late update! I actually tried to update a couple of days ago but, for some reason, it wouldn't let me add more parts! It has only literally started working again there now! I tried to let some of you know through the conversations part on my profile, but don't know how many of you saw it! The only reason I'll put up messages there is if it's something you guys need to know, so please read them if you see them!


(Niall – 22. Louis - 14)

Louis looked distastefully down at the plate of food that was placed in front of him.

"What's wrong, kitten?" Harry asked, sitting down opposite Louis, his brothers placing their plates and sitting down at the table as well.

"I don't want this," Louis scowled.

"You said you wanted fish," Marcel said, quirking an eyebrow in confusion.

"Well, I want chicken," Louis retaliated.

"Well, you can eat what you're given," Edward said gruffly, digging into his fish.

"But I don't want it."

"Louis, Marcel worked hard on making this food for all of us and just because you changed your mind doesn't matter. You will eat it and be grateful," Edward said through his teeth, patience running low.

"Fine, if you don't want the babies to get what they want."

That was the last straw for Edward. The Alpha stood so fast that his chair fell back against the floor and his cutlery fell with a clatter onto the plate and table. "Louis, you can't keep using that against us," he growled.

"I'm not using anything against you!" Louis screamed indignantly.

"What you're doing is manipulating us by saying that! We're trying our fucking best to give you what you want and make you happy, and you're being so ungrateful!"

"Are you kidding me? I can't ask for something that I want, you stupid prick! I'm not happy at the moment!" Louis screamed, wrapping his hands around the thick lip of the table and pushing himself to his feet.

Louis tried to ignore the hurt noises from Harry and Marcel, and immediately regretted the way he had worded that but there was no going back.

"You're not happy? I always knew that you were pissed off about me Marking you! I fucking saved you!" the Alpha roared.

"You saved me? I didn't even get the fucking choice! I could have had a completely different life! Do you also remember fucking punching me and nearly breaking my nose?"

"I apologised for that and you know it! So, you're saying you never wanted to be our Mates?"

"I fucking regret it!" Louis screamed, the words falling clumsily out of his mouth. "I never would have Mated you! I hate you!"

Edward picked up his plate and threw it against the wall, the clay shattering into thousands of pieces, like all four of their hearts. The Alpha, his nostrils wide, face red, fists clenched and veins prominent, stepped up toe-to-toe to Louis. Harry and Marcel were on guard, terrified about what would happen. "And I fucking regret Mating you. I wish I never had. I wish I'd just left you for those Alpha's in the cabin. I wish you wouldn't be the one to have my first born," he growled through his teeth, deathly quiet. Edward shoved past Louis, slamming the front door behind him as he walked out with such a powerful slam that the trio in the kitchen could hear the glass in the door vibrating.

Louis looked up, silently, at Harry and Marcel, but all they did was shake their heads and walk out of the room, creaking up the stairs. Louis head their bedroom door close behind them.

It was only when Louis sat down in his kitchen chair that he let the tears go.

What had just happened was what he really regretted.

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now