Chapter Seventy-Three

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(Niall – 32. Louis - 25)

"What would you like to do today?" Louis asked, falling onto the sofa beside Marcel and curling up underneath the Alpha's arm.

"I was thinking about just sitting here with my sweet, little Omega and watch television."

"What about on your first day off in a while that you take your sweet, little Omega out to do something?" Louis hinted.

"What would my babies like to do?"

"Your babies would like to go for a walk in the forest with their daddy."

Marcel couldn't help but surge forward for a quick kiss. "What form?"

"Natural," Louis shortly answered, standing up and stripping quickly, folding his clothes. "You coming?" he giggled over his shoulder at the blushing Alpha still sitting on the sofa, who dumbly nodded. Louis rolled his eyes and shifted, strolling lazily into the forest.

He heard a yip behind him and couldn't help smiling when he saw his Alpha bounding over to him, tongue lolling out of his mouth.

Louis strolled through the forest, letting Marcel playfully dance around him. He wanted to join in, but his belly was so much bigger in this form and weighing him down.

Eventually they came to the small river. Even though the walk from the house had been short, Louis was still panting. He gladly waded into the cool water, lapping at the water as well. His pelt grew too heavy with waterlog, so he changed back into his human form. He dipped his head under the water and stood up again, running his hands through his hair to drain it of water.

He turned around, the water coming to the middle of his big bump, to see Marcel back in his human form as well, watching him intently. Louis smiled coyly, walking slowly through the water and towards his Mate. Marcel took his hand to help him out of the water, but pulled his close to press their naked bodies together.

"I love you," Louis whispered.

"Love you, too," Marcel replied, "so much."

Louis wrapped his arms around Marcel's neck and hugged him tight. The Omega tried to stifle his yawn against Marcel's neck.

"Tired, little one?"

"The babies make me tired."

"Lie down and have a nap with me."

Louis smiled, following the Alpha down to the grass and snuggling up together.

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now