Chapter Nine

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Hi! How was your Christmas? If you don't celebrate Christmas, I hope the day was amazing for you! Again, if you have any suggestions for this book, don't be afraid to comment! 

I'm finding this book way harder than 'Selectively Mute'! This one, to me, seems muddled and the story isn't just coming together! It's really annoying me! I have the whole thing already planned out, so I think that maybe this feeling is just because we haven't got to the juicy bits yet! Oh, when you guys realise what is the main plot, you will hate!

Anyway, I like this book so hopefully you will too!

Who's your favourite couple in this book so far? I can't say what mine is because I know what's going to happen! :-)

Oh, and comment whatever! I don't care if you comment on every paragraph! I like reading them, even though I probably won't reply because I'll usually only reply 'Thank-you' and wattpad cuts you off after so many of the same comments!


"Wake him up, Edward," Marcel squeaked, terrified of the shaking and whimpering Omega that was trapped in the duvet. Even though Marcel was the closest one to the Omega, he was too scared to touch him, not wanting to hurt him more than his nightmare.

"Get the duvet away from him first, Marcel," Edward demanded, stealthily crawling off the bed to stand beside where Louis was wriggling.

"I can't," Marcel whined, tears glistening in his eyes.

"I'll fucking do it. You obviously don't want to help him," Harry growled, finally interjecting, giving his two brothers glares in return.

Marcel opened his mouth, but Harry just shook his head in disgust.

Harry grabbed Marcel's shoulders and pulled him away from Louis, replacing himself in the vacant position.

"Louis, honey, kitten?" he whispered, aiming for a soothing tone and with a slight Alpha timbre to give Louis some reassurance that he was safe.

Louis whimpered in response, his body relaxing to some extent.

"Such a good boy, kitten," he cooed, gently pulling the duvet away from Louis' white-knuckled grasp.

Louis whimpered again, his face turning slightly towards the Alpha's voice.

"What's wrong, kitten? You gonna wake up?" Harry continued. He untangled the duvet from Louis' feet.

When the Omega was confronted with sudden cool air, he whined, his eyes opening, unfocused. His head moved from side to side as he tried to get his bearings, but he froze when he saw Edward.

Louis lashed out at Edward, intentionally this time. When he backed away from Edward and consequently into Harry and Marcel, he turned around to see who he had bumped into. In his disoriented eye, all he could see was more Edward's surrounding him. He hit out at them as well, moving to the side to get away.

However, he didn't expect to fall off the bed.

He yowled as he landed awkwardly on his arm and side, tears streaming down his face. By the time his eyes opened again in shock, the triplets were already surrounding him, rolling him onto his back and checking for any broken bones. Omegas were fragile and easily harmed.

"Hey, kitten, you're okay," Harry cooed, pulling the Omega into his arms without a fight.

As Louis' mind came back to him and his eyes adjusted to the early morning light, he relaxed in Harry's arms, nuzzling the Alpha's bare chest.

"Bad dream, pint-size?" Edward teased, trying to put up a hard front even though inside he was a cowering wolf, devastated that Louis had reverted back to the way he acted before with him.

Louis nodded, pulling his face away from Harry's chest to look at Edward and Marcel. He smiled, curling a hand around Edward's jaw and scratching his slight scruff with blunt fingernails, whilst setting his feet in Marcel's lap.

"We have you, princess. Not going to let you go," promised Marcel, massaging Louis' little feet and toes.

Louis giggled as Edward turned his head to kiss his palm, scratching his morning shadow against his wrist.

The little forms of endearment lulled Louis to sleep again without the triplets even noticing.

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now