Chapter Forty-Three

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(Niall – 13 weeks pregnant 

Louis – 5 weeks pregnant)

"You're having my baby!" Harry screamed for the fiftieth fucking time since they got home from the first ultrasound.

Louis was getting slightly pissed off now by the constant screeching. Don't get him wrong, he was equally as excited about having little pups running around in a few months, but those four words being repeated over and over again were starting to slightly get to him.

When Harry's mouth opened to scream the four words again, the Omega snapped and he jumped up from the sofa he was sitting on to the other sofa, where Harry was, slapping his hand over the Alpha's mouth. "Say it again," Louis glared, "I dare you."

Harry's eyes comically widened, then he licked Louis' hand.

Louis growled and before he could do anything serious, Marcel had wrapped his arms around Louis' waist and was holding him back with a chuckle, careful of his little bump. "Let's play a game," he suggested, trying to ease the tension.

Louis sighed and nodded in agreement, sagging in Marcel's arms.

Marcel looked at Edward, sitting beside Harry and enjoying the show. "Can you watch them whilst I go and get Monopoly?"

"I hate that game," Edward whined, but all he got from Marcel was a roll of the eyes.

Louis sat on Edward's lap whilst his doctor Mate was away, sending glares in the smirking Harry's direction.

It wasn't long before Marcel appeared again. He carefully set up the game on the living-room floor and read the instruction booklet carefully, his brothers and Omega watching him.

Marcel smiled up at them like a child on Christmas day. "It's ready," he beamed.

Louis was made to sit beside Harry, across from his other's Mates. The Omega sighed in defeat and leaned against the Alpha, who wrapped his arm around his waist, pulling him into his side.

"I'm sorry, little Lou, please forgive me," Harry pouted.

"Never call me 'little Lou' again and I might consider it," the Omega retaliated, giving the goofy Alpha a peck on the lips.

"Can we please start now?" Marcel begged.

It had only been a few rolls of the dice each, when everything turned to shit. Edward was groaning about how bored he was; Marcel was way too into the game; Louis was getting slowly pissed off again, especially at the Alpha beside him; and Harry has been in the lead steady.

"You're cheating," Louis hissed at the Alpha beside him.

"No I'm not, kitten," Harry blushed.

"Stop lying, I know you're cheating," Louis growled.

"How am I cheating, Louis?"

"You're stealing money from the box. I knew you shouldn't have been banker." The Omega grabbed the box and shoved it over to Marcel, the only one he could trust not to cheat, also grabbing half of Harry's paper money and throwing it in Marcel and Edward's direction.

"Louis, calm down, kitten. You're being very melodramatic," Harry tried to say calmly.

"You're a cheater, just admit it," Louis growled, getting onto his knees to try and stare down his Alpha.

"Okay, okay," Harry finally said, holding up his hands in surrender. "I wasn't cheating, but I was taking the occasional extra note, just to keep my tied over."

Louis sighed in exasperation and shoved Harry away, before standing up and stomping out off the room. Harry followed him like a diligent little puppy, an entertained smirk pulling at his lips.

"That is why we don't play Monopoly," Edward sighed, falling onto his back and rubbing at his eyes.

"Why can't I have nice things," Marcel whined.

Edward rolled his eyes.

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now