Chapter Ten

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Double update because I feel guilty that I haven't been updating regularly!

This one here is a bit touchy! 


Louis rolled onto his side, stretching his muscles then curling into the Alpha he was under the duvet with. When he raised a hand to brush the person's cheek, he could feel a faint rise of skin under his thumb and knew, even in the dark, that it was Edward. When he accidentally brushed his thumb over his plump lips, he could feel how his lips were stretched into a smirk as he playfully nipped at the pad on his thumb.

"Oops," Edward laughed, kissing Louis' palm next.

Louis giggled a "Hi" in return, accepting a quick kiss on the cheek.

"My brothers are making breakfast downstairs," Edward whispered into the Omega's ear, wrapping an arm around Louis' waist and pulling him closer.

"Then we should go down," Louis whispered as Edward kissed his cheek again.

"Or not," Edward tried to persuade, hand moving in circles across the small of Louis' back, fingers brushing the hem of his boxers.

Louis' face subconsciously dropped into Edward's neck, breathing in deeply and loving the smell of the Alpha. Edward nudged his head back up with his chin and brushed his nose against Louis', before dropping his head to press his lips against Louis' softly.

Louis froze under him, after all this was his first kiss, but when Edward gave him another dry peck, his lips pressed against his for a bit longer, Louis pressed back tentatively,

Edward smiled and started moving his lips, Louis followed his movements, unexperienced. Edward teased the Omega's lips open with his tongue, Louis responding eagerly to the Alpha and curiously brushing his tongue against Edward's when it entered his mouth. Edward's fingers clasped tightly around the waist of Louis' boxers, pulling him closer so their crotches could brush teasingly; Louis' fingers drifting from Edward's chest to his nape, tangling in his long hair and tugging, resulting in Edward growling and his hips bucking forward.

"Breakfast's ready."

Louis' head snapped back and he pulled away from Edward, dragging the duvet up to his chin.

Edward laughed at the Omega. "We'll be coming now, Harry."

Edward slipped out from under the duvet in his boxers, walking over to the closet and grabbing a long-sleeved shirt and a pair of jogging bottoms. He threw the shirt to Louis, who threw the duvet over his head so he could put it on, whilst he pulled on the loose jogging bottoms.

Louis threw back the duvet neatly and followed Edward out of the room, however he was stopped at the door by a large hand curling around his elbow.

"I think you owe me something, kitten?"

Louis looked up at Harry, who patted his backside.

Louis smiled and stood on his tiptoes with his hands curling around Harry's shoulders to hold himself steady. He puckered his lips and pressed them softly against Harry's cheek. But, Harry turned his head quickly, lips pressing against lips. Louis moved to pull away in surprise, but Harry wrapped his arms tightly around his waist. When Louis started responding, he let the Omega go with a grin.

"Breakfast, kitten," he reminded, tucking Louis under his arm and leading him downstairs to the kitchen, Louis still slightly dazed from the kiss that stopped so suddenly.

When they got down to the kitchen, Marcel plating up their food, Louis decided that all the triplets had to be treated equally. He boldly walked up to the Alpha.


"Yes, princess?" Marcel turned his head to look at the Omega.

Louis framed the Alpha's face with his hands and pressed their lips together within seconds. This time, it was Marcel who was the one frozen. Louis pulled away with a smile, pushing the Alpha's fogged glasses back up his nose, and took the plate with the least food to sit down at the table beside Harry and Edward, moving some of his food onto their plates and saving a slice of bacon for Marcel.

The three watched Marcel still standing, frozen, before he snapped out of his daze and grabbed his own plate, joining the three at the table. When he made eye contact with Louis, he blushed, ducking his head.

Louis couldn't deny that with all the triplets, he had felt a spark when their lips had connected. The triplets couldn't deny it either.

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now