Chapter Seventeen

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Niall's eyes widened at what he saw behind Louis.

"Louis – " he began to warn but it was too late.

"Finally found one," an Alpha growled behind Louis.

Louis slowly pivoted, too stunned and scared to even think about running. He could hear his heart pounding in his chest and the blood rushing in his ears.

"What about the other one?" another Alpha asked, stepping forward to stand beside the first in front of Louis.

The first looked over Louis' heat at Niall. "He's Mated."

"What a pity," the second smirked, "wouldn't have minded that one."

In a blink, the first reached out and grabbed Louis by the hair. Both Omegas screamed as Louis was thrown over the Alpha's shoulder.

"Louis!" Niall screamed.

Louis wiggled in the Alpha's arms. He was surprised that he was actually able to wiggle down enough to get to his feet again. However, when he thought he had broken free, he was just flipped around in the Alpha's arms so his back was braced against his chest and the Alpha had his arms linked underneath his armpits, literally lifting him a few inches off the ground.

"Let. Him. Go!" Niall screamed, lunging forward. He was able to grab Louis' hands. "Help! Help!"

The Alpha holding Louis sighed. He turned towards his fellow colleague. "Get the annoying one away."

The second Alpha grinned and stepped forward. He shoved Niall too hard and sent him flying back. The Omega hit the ground with a harsh thump, hitting his head off the concrete ground with a solemn crack. Louis screamed, watching Niall's eyes close sleepily and blood pool around his head.

This had happened before.

Louis screamed hysterically, putting even more effort in hurting the Alpha holding him now he had those previous images in his head without even knowing it. He left the Alpha's arms bleeding and his thighs bruised.

"You're mine now," the Alpha sneered, walking off with Louis still in his arms.

"I wouldn't take my pint-size."

So, Edward is the main Alpha in this book, because something's going to happen and I couldn't have it done for Marcel and Harry because it wouldn't suit their characters.

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now