Chapter Twenty-Five

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Happy Mother's Day! :-)

I hope this doesn't disappoint you all.


"So, um, you know when the Omega raids first started?" Louis didn't even pause to let the others confirm his rhetorical question. "Well, they didn't have the rules about the minimum age of eighteen and you could already be Mated to someone. It was still such a rare thing the raids, so rare that our Pack," he looked up at Niall quickly then looked back at Edward's throat, at their Mate Mark, "didn't think it would escalate and we thought we were safe. One night, the dead of night, they attacked." Louis broke off with another sob and a hiccup. Edward rubbed his back, glaring at Marcel who whimpered, wanting his brothers to stay strong for their Omega.

"Go on, Louis," Niall whispered. He didn't want to relive this story again, so he had turned in Liam's arms to bury his face into Liam's neck, his hands fisting the Alpha's pyjama shirt, but he knew that this had to be told now or it never would. He believed that either this would help Louis get the weight off his shoulders if he finally just told his story out loud, or this would help the triplets maybe understand a bit more about Louis and what is always at the back of his mind.

"My sister woke me up. She was so pale and she was just wearing a nightie. She was an Alpha – even though she hadn't presented yet, you knew just by her behaviour that she was going to be an Alpha. She told me to get away, to run away. I was completely against the command, but she grabbed me and pulled me out of the bed. That's when I started hearing the noises downstairs. Lottie dragged me out of the room, but whenever we were at the top of the stairs, there was an Alpha coming up them. He saw us and growled and started running up to us. Lottie shoved me into the bathroom and I locked the door, like she told me.

"The Alpha started shouting at her, but she wouldn't let him into the bathroom. I heard a slap and a scream. The Alpha laughed and tried to persuade me to come out of the bathroom. I could hear my father shouting downstairs, protecting mummy, telling the Alpha's that they couldn't take her away. His shouting was cut off mid-sentence and mummy screamed.

"They were telling mummy how they couldn't wait to get me, when Niall showed up at the bathroom window."

Niall cut him off there: he knew his friend couldn't continue on and he could take it from here. He had put Louis through too much already making him tell the story up to there. He gently unwound himself from Liam's arms and walked over to the Omega, kneeling down beside him and pulling him into a cuddle, so he could cry all over his neck, soaking his shirt. "Louis wouldn't come to the window. He was really scared. So I literally had to drag him out of the window. When we climbed down the side of the house, we ran into the woods behind our homes. My house was raided as well, and I knew it wasn't safe for us.

"The next day, I left Louis in the woods, where no one would find him, then headed back to our Pack. It was completely destroyed. Anyone who tried to protect their Omega's were killed, any Omega's who struggled were killed. Louis and I are the only ones who survived that night."

The Alpha's spent a few minutes thinking over what they had just heard, looking at each other, whilst Niall and Louis sniffled and whimpered at each other. Edward and Liam eventually helped their Mates up, holding them tightly in their arms.

"We're going to go now," Liam whispered, picking up Niall and leaving the house with little shushes in his ear and reassuring caresses.

"Let's go back to sleep, pint-size," Edward suggested, picking up Louis and bringing him back into the bedroom, not giving Louis a choice.

Louis sniffled and hiccupped, nodding, not having enough energy to even talk.

"I'll go and get him some tissues and a glass of water," Marcel mumbled.

Louis' head snapped up at that sentence and he was immediately reaching out, trying to grab for Marcel, but he had already been deposited on the bed, whilst Marcel was at the door. "Don't leave me," he screeched, getting onto his hands and knees to crawl off the bed and go after Marcel, but Edward made him lie down, getting underneath the duvet with the Omega.

"I'll be back in a minute, princess," Marcel reassured with a smile, before going downstairs, whilst Harry went into the ensuite, coming back out quickly with a damp face cloth.

The Alpha motioned for Edward to turn Louis onto his stomach and his brother complied, cooing to their Omega as he did so. He threw the duvet to the end of the bed and, when Louis gave him a panicked look, whispered in his ear that Harry was going to clean him up, calming the Omega further with little kisses to his hair, temple and ear. He kept one rough hand on the small of Louis' back, massaging the skin deep with his blunt fingers. Louis instinctively spread his thighs when a hand, which he presumed was Harry's, was placed on his backside, spreading his cheeks. His hole was quickly cleaned with the warm water, before Harry let his cheeks go. He massaged Louis' backside comfortingly whilst wiping his thighs clean. He swiped down his chest quickly before jogging back into the bathroom and came into the bedroom again, Edward pulling the duvet back over them again and cuddling Louis into his chest.

"Hey, kitten," Harry smiled, getting underneath the duvet on the other side of Louis, "you were such a good boy telling us all that."

Louis turned to snuggle into Harry, scratching at his chest harmlessly.

"What about we take you out for a picnic today, kitten?" Harry suggested, rubbing at Louis' back and stroking at his hair.

Louis nodded slightly. "Promise?"

Harry chuckled, "Promise, kitten."

"I'm sorry, pint-size, for what happened," Edward mumbled against the back of Louis' neck, pressed up against his back. He didn't even think about his cock pressed flush against Louis' perky backside.

Louis nodded again and reached behind him to clasp their hands, happy with just that little bit of comfort.

"Lou, princess, sit up for a minute," Marcel whispered, standing beside the bed and looking down at his Mates.

Edward and Harry helped the sniffling Omega to sit up, their hands rubbing his back and keeping him steady, the Omega completely drained. Marcel held the rim of the glass against Louis' lips, his other hand cupped under his chin to catch any stray droplets. Harry took the glass from him when he knew that Louis was finished and set it on the nightstand. Marcel wiped away Louis' tears with a tissue, before holding another to his nose and instructing him to "Blow". Louis' cheeks blushed, but he did as he was told. Marcel threw the tissue away whilst Edward and Harry cuddled Louis in the bed again. Harry held up the duvet for Marcel, the Alpha sliding in, snuggling into Harry's bare back and running his fingers over Louis' arm.

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now