Chapter Forty

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I am so sorry! This would have been up earlier today, but blame Windows 10 for spontaneously downloading when I just got onto the internet, then spending at least 2 hrs setting itself! So damn annoying!

Absolutely disgraceful about what happened in Orlando. My love to all the families who have lost a loved one or are having to watch an injured loved one in the hospital. It's absolutely heartbreaking.


(Niall – twelve weeks

Louis – pregnant)

"You get to spend the day with me, pint-size," Edward smirked, falling onto the sofa beside Louis and pulling him into his lap. Louis struggled to keep his cup of tea from spilling over, holding it high in the air.

"And what a privilege," Louis rolled his eyes.

Edward pouted, making Louis giggle and fist a hand in his curly hair, pulling him in for a sweet kiss.

"What would you like to do, pint-size?"

"A lazy day," Louis whined in response, curling up in his lap and taking a sip of his tea.

"Shopping?" Edward suggested.

"Did that yesterday. I just want to lie here with my oaf and cuddle."

"Whatever my little one wants," Edward said, only giving Louis the warning of setting down his mug before attacking him in kisses.


A ringing woke the couple a couple of hours later. Edward sighed and lifted up his hips, trying to find the mobile which he could feel vibrating but had fallen out of his pocket. Louis grumbled and growled, begging for the "bloody thing to shut up."

"What?" Edward sighed into the mobile when he finally found it.

Louis shifted to mouth lightly at the Alpha's throat innocently, hands pawing at his shirt.

"No way. I am not coming in."

Louis struggled to lift himself so he could straddle Edward's hips.

"It's my day off, and I'm the only one at home with Louis," Edward said gruffly, unconsciously lifting a hand to curve around Louis' little belly and massage the unborn's home.

Louis was bright awake now and wanted to know what was going on.

Edward finally sighed. "Fine, I'll be there soon." He slipped the phone back into his pocket. "I have to get changed into practical clothes and you need to get changed into warm clothes, pint-size," he ordered, helping Louis stand up.

"What's going on?" Louis asked as he was led upstairs.

"A teacher decided that they couldn't come in today, so I was called. And, because I can't and won't leave you alone, you're coming with." He chucked Louis a shirt and jumper, ordering him to, "Layer up because it'll be cold."


"This shouldn't take long, pint-size," Edward apologised again when they finally got to the field where the warriors learnt and practised. "They're all in their last year of training, so this should be quick."

Little did the Mates know how quick the lesson actually would be.

The fucking internet went off again when I was just about to publish this!

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now