Chapter Twenty

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Double update!


It wasn't too long until Marcel was home again, but there was still no word about Edward.

Louis had come back to his senses after finishing a cup of tea, cuddling with Harry on the sofa in their pyjamas. Marcel stripped off his white coat and shoes, letting them fall anywhere on the ground, which was strange for a normally clean and neat Marcel, sighing when he fell onto the sofa beside Louis and his brother, grabbing Louis' waist and dragging him onto his lap. He took Louis' second cup of tea out of the Omega's hand and gulped it down himself.

"Did you see Edward?" Louis asked frantically.

Marcel locked eyes with his brother over Louis' head, before turning back to the Omega. "No, sorry, princess, I didn't see him. He probably went to a club to relax – it's been a stressful day."

"But," Louis turned on the Alpha's lap to straddle Marcel, "but, I want him home."

"He's fine, kitten," Harry persisted.

Louis scrambled off Marcel's lap, standing in front of the Alphas, shaking his head with his arms crossed in front of his chest. "I can feel he isn't happy."

Marcel gave him a confused look, but Harry fully understood. "Through the Mark."

The Omega nodded, placing his palm over the fresh Mark. "He's sad. He needs to be home."

"Princess, love – "

Louis' hands dropped to his sides. "If you don't get him, I will," he promised through his teeth and a scowl on his face.

"Now, kitten – "

Louis smiled as he stomped towards the door, slipping his feet into one of the Alpha's pair of boots beside the door easily. He could hear Marcel frantically asking his brother, "He wouldn't go out, would he, Harry?", and Harry replying with a firm "No." However, when Louis turned the door knob and opened the door, the Alphas were running to him.

"I'll go and get hi-" Harry started to say, but the door was pushed open and there was Edward, his face still covered in blood.

The trio stared at him, stunned.

Edward ignored his brothers, focusing on Louis. "Louis, I am so sorry – "

"Why?" Louis asked.

"Because-because I Mated you without your permission."

"What you should be sorry for is calling me 'Louis' there and not 'pint-size', you stupid oaf. I love you."

Edward stared, red-faced, down on his Omega, stunned. "I love you, too."

Louis suddenly pounced on the Alpha, the boots slipping off his small feet. "Now, Mate me properly."

The Alpha couldn't say no to that invitation.

Making you wait for smut! Ha ha!

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now