Chapter Sixty-Three

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(Niall - 23. Louis - 16)

"Wait here," Niall demanded, heaving himself up from the sofa.

"Niall – " Liam tried to interject, but his voice was drowned out by the consistent, heavy knocking at the front door...or maybe Niall just ignored him.

Louis tried to grab Niall's arm as he passed him, but Niall swerved around him.

Louis looked over at Liam for some help, but Liam only shook his head and opened his arms for Louis to fall into, holding him tight as they heard the door opening.

"What a coincidink you showing up here," Niall smirked, only opening the door enough so that just his body could be seen. He ran his eyes over Edward, all bloody and covered in bruises.

"Please – "

"I already know what you're going to say and the answer is 'no'." Niall grinned and stepped back, shutting the door. Edward stuck his boot in the door just as it was about to close, but Niall stepped down hard on his toes so he had to pull his foot out, the door locking with finality.

"Please, Niall," Edward yelled, banging on the door again.

"Go away!" Niall screamed back.

"Please, Louis! Please!" Edward roared, sensing and knowing that Louis was only in the living-room, just inside the house, but he couldn't get to him without knocking down the door.

The Alpha nearly fell to his knees in front of the obstruction, deciding instead to just bang his forehead against the door, closing his eyes and holding back the tears. "I'm so sorry, Louis," he whispered, lips touching the wood. "Please forgive me. It was a stupid mistake and I regret everything I said. I didn't mean any of it. I love you." The Alpha waited for a moment, before banging his forehead against the door one last time and turning to walk off.

He didn't know that Louis had been crying and clinging to Niall for dear life in the living room, trying to stop himself from running to the door and forgiving Edward.

"Louis, I was thinking about going baby shopping today, would you like to come with?" Niall whispered in Louis' hair, rubbing his back, wanting to try anything to cheer Louis up a bit.

Louis sniffled and was about to reject the offer, but nodded instead, knowing he had to get out of the house.


"So, what room are you thinking of using as the nursery?" Louis inquired, running a finger appreciatively over the side of a lovely, white cot.

"The twins will be staying in our room for a while, then we'll probably use the spare room. What do you think of this bassinet for my room?" Niall asked absentmindedly.

"It's really nice," Louis whispered, not able to take his eyes off the swinging bassinet.

Niall watched the other Omega for a moment. "Why don't we go and look at some clothes for the babies?"

Louis was snapped out of his trance and nodded along to what Niall suggested. Niall wrapped his arm around Louis' shoulders and pulled him close, leading him out of the shop.

After getting milkshakes and some cookies to share, the Omegas finally arrived at the clothes shop. Louis ran his fingers over the soft cotton, picking up anything he really liked and setting it in the basket Niall was loading up liberally.

But, Louis was stopped short when he came across a couple of racks of onesies with 'Daddy Loves Me' embroidered across the front of them. Niall noticed how Louis suddenly stopped in his tracks to look at these little onesies. He thought about it for a second then moved on to the other side of the room, wanting to give Louis some space to make this big decision.

When Niall met Louis at the cash register, he didn't say anything when seeing three very important onesies being bagged up.

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now