Chapter Thirty-Nine *MATURE*

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(Niall – twelve weeks pregnant. Louis – pregnant)

"I am not moving, Liam," Niall snapped at his Mate, grabbing the duvet that had just been yanked off him and throwing it over him again.

"Niall, love, you need to get up," Liam pleaded.

"Zayn said I'm nesting. If I have an excuse, I am not moving," Niall mumbled from under the duvet.

"That does not mean you have an excuse not to move. Can you at least get up and have a shower, put on some clean clothes? You've been wearing my same clothes for three days now."

Niall peeked out from under the duvet. "Will you help me?"

"Yes, love," Liam said, trying to keep the hope out of his voice – he was finally getting his Mate to do something.

"And I'll get to wear your clothes after?"

"Clean ones, of course."

"And I'll be able to get into bed again?"

"No way."

"No deal," Niall growled, throwing the duvet over his head again.

"You have to move down to the living-room."

"No deal."

"Fine, I will bring down blankets and the duvet."

"Love you, Li," Niall giggled, throwing the duvet off himself and heading into the bathroom.

Liam rolled his eyes but couldn't keep the smile off his face, happily following his Mate.


Niall, all freshly-washed and changed, walked into the living-room to find Liam cuddled in the blankets and duvet on the sofa. He giggled and fell into his Alpha's arms, snuggling against his side and wrapping the blankets around him.

"What'cha watching?" Niall whispered into Liam's chest.

Liam sighed and handed over the remote.

Niall flipped through the channels until he found one that he liked, of course reality television, a new programme which had become his guilty pleasure 'Southern Charm'. He tried to get himself comfy, but he whined when he couldn't. Liam sighed and tried to act all disgruntled when he held Niall to his chest so he could swivel, spreading his legs out across the sofa. Niall smiled and moved to lie between the Alpha's legs, wrapping his arms around Liam's waist and settling his head on his shoulder, giving Liam's jaw a kiss in thanks.

"The triplets have been quiet lately. They're acting suspicious. Do you know anything about that?" Liam ran one hand through Niall's brunette hair, the other curving around the belly his Omega was sporting proudly.

Niall didn't take his eyes of the television. "I've been sworn to secrecy."

"Can you give me a hint?"

"Ha, no chance," Niall admonished, giving the shoulder he was leaning against a gentle bite, warning Liam not to continue his ministrations. Liam, instinctively, moved the one hand from Niall's hair down to the back of his neck, warningly massaging the skin. Niall whimpered and leaned up to give his Alpha an apologetic soft, deep kiss.

"How's our little babies?" Liam mumbled against his lips, already having forgiven Niall.

"I'm starting to feel little tickles. They're growing really fast, I already know they're going to be a handful."

"Our little pups. My three babies."

"Your three babies are hungry," Niall whined.

Liam chuckled and reached for the floor, lifting up a plate of food. "Your picnic, your majesty," Liam tried to say in a mockingly regal voice.

"You know me so well," Niall whispered. He leaned forward for another kiss, which quickly turned heated. Liam set the plate down again, pulling Niall up to straddle his hips and manoeuvring his head to deepen the kiss, their tongues gliding against each other's smoothly.

Niall's ears pricked when he heard a baby's cry from the television, and he pulled back from the kiss with a whine to see what was happening in the programme. He screamed, "What?" when he realised who the couple were who had had the child.

He wasn't expecting that.

Liam growled and switched the television off, turning Niall's chin back to look at him. He didn't like being ignored. Niall whined in annoyance at him, but he shut up when he felt a hand slipping down the back of his sweatpants, a finger slipping between his crack and trailing down to circle his leaking hole.

When the tip of Liam's finger was inserted, Niall's hips jumped forward. Soon enough, Liam added another finger and another, thrusting deep in his hole and rubbing against his prostrate. Niall fell forward onto his Alpha's chest and rutted his hips against Liam's. It wasn't long until he came in his underwear and sweatpants, whining and panting and nipping harmlessly at Liam's throat. When he had his breath back, he reached a hand between their stomachs to get Liam off, but when he unbuttoned Liam's jeans and slipped his hands into his boxers, he felt something sticky and wet.

He lifted his head to look Liam in the eye, all he could mutter was a, "Want to join me for another shower?"

Pint-Size, Kitten and Princess (Alpha!Styles Triplets) (Omega!Louis) (mpreg)Where stories live. Discover now